
Oh, I forgot. Pics from my church ski trip are here.
and a couple more:

and thats it.


Ok here's some more pics.

I think this was when Jason was doin one of those pop up kissing tests. It was kinda weird...cuz Miku's his girlfriend...and she was there...taking these pictures...I dunno. W/e. lol

Blue All Stars Gatorade: The Official Drink of Autumn to Fall (or whatever the hell we're called now)

And again, I run out of time. Still more tomorrow.


Ok. So we had practice. It was pretty sweet. I had been recording the whole thing but then jason clicked on one of those popups and the computer froze up so we had to restart it and we lost the recording. :-( argh. lol. so yeah, we were playing a buncha stuff, alex spent about half the time tuning, and miku got a buncha cool pics.

Alex and Ryan...playing guitars...

Jason playing drums

Ryan has badass hearing protection...

I stole Ryan's badass hearing protection...and Alex got some too...

and thats all the time I have to post pictures of this stuff today...I'll do some tomorrow.
Hey everyone!!! it's miku. yah i'm here cause they're having band practice at his house. ok so dan is the best bass player ever!!!! and jason's the best dummer ever lol. and i get to sit around and take pitures... yay... i think they should get a keyboard so i can play. alex is so crazy. ok. i'm done. bye



UGHH...I''m soo tired. Sorry I haven't written for a while. I had nothing to write about. Just more friggin school. But I found this hilarious thing yesterday...the chuck norris facts. I had heard one at school that wasn't that good (every time you masturbate, God kills a kitten...every time God masturbates chuck norris kills a lion...lol) but I found some that were f ing hillarious. ~The cheif export of Chuck Norris is pain~~Chuck Norris does not hunt because the word hunting implies
the probability of failure. Chuck Norris goes killing. ~~ Chuck Norris is 1/8th Cherokee. This has nothing to do with ancestry, the man ate a fucking Indian. ~~ Chuck Norris once roundhouse kicked someone so hard that his foot broke the speed of light, went back in time, and killed Amelia Earhart while she was flying over the Pacific Ocean. ~~ There is no theory of evolution, just a list of creatures Chuck Norris allows to live. ~~ If you spell Chuck Norris in Scrabble, you win. Forever. ~~ Chuck Norris once bet NASA he could survive re-entry without a spacesuit. On July 19th, 1999, a naked Chuck Norris re-entered the earth's atmosphere, streaking over 14 states and reaching a temperature of 3000 degrees. An embarrassed NASA publically claimed it was a meteor, and still owes him a beer. ~~ Chuck Norris can hit you so hard that he can actually alter your DNA. Decades from now your descendants will occasionally clutch their heads and yell "What The Fuck was That? ~~ Chuck Norris discovered a new theory of relativity involving multiple universes in which Chuck Norris is even more badass than in this one. When it was discovered by Albert Einstein and made public, Chuck Norris roundhouse-kicked him in the face. We know Albert Einstein today as Stephen Hawking. ~~ In an average living room there are 1,242 objects Chuck Norris could use to kill you, including the room itself. ~~~~~~~~lmao


After about 25 minutes of speculation, i have concluded that she wants to go just as friends because she just doesnt know me that well. I'm going to try to do something about that. I also just realized the irony of going to a valentines dance as just friends. hm. lol. And this concludes coverage of this relationship. So no more humiliating myself. Unless you know me. Then it'll just keep coming.
Okay. So I'm still waiting for an answer from her...I think I might hopefully get one soon...now that I have more than like 3 minutes to talk to her...i hope. So we had the jazz at the hall concert. It was pretty cool. I just wish she had been there...
Anyway, there was lotsa ppl there...and it was cool. We were going to go to dairy queen but we didn't. lol. We played for the rest of the band in band...?...and I pretty much nailed my solo. Except for the last part. But I think it still sounded pretty sweet. My bass kept slipping around and it sounded like my amp was farting or something. It was pretty bad. lol.
Oh...i got an answer. She wants to go as just friends...thats not 2 bad. She's not laughing in my face...moderate sucess. Cool. But still....
I should be happy with this. I am. this is SWEET! HAHA!!!!!
k bye


the last few days have just kinda sucked. I think it'll get either a lot better or a lot worse when I get an answer from her...
newa, what to write about? nothing? great. talk to you tomorrow. haha. thats what i sed last time. and its been like 3 days. hehe.


Wow. What an f.ed up day. Wat an f.ed up day indeed. School...sucks...duh. Homework...yeah, words, watever. Lets see, I asked her over IM !!! whotf asks somebody to the valentines dance over IM???!? I tried to talk to her in person, but she had horseback riding lessons, and track tomorrow, and she was curious as to why i wanted to talk to her in person so i just broke down and asked. And she sed she'd think about it. I dunno....i'm gonna b praying.
Newa, the band geek basketball team--i dunno how thats gonna wrk out if they're all gonna b at 9...lol. Watever. Tuvan throat singing is really cool. As is victor wooten. He's like, my hero, man. Amazing. Talk atcha tomorrow.
I had a dream...that she said yes...lets hope this one comes true....


I have decided that I am going to learn the fine art of Tuvan Throat Singing. Heehee.
Wow. That was a really long post. Sorry.
Oh my GEAORD. That was the best ski trip I've been on all month. HEE. It was a joke. Ok. So I got like 11 hours of sleep but im still f***ing exhausted. I took a whole buncha pics that I'll scan and post here once I get 'em developed. Ok, lets see...
FRIDAY: We went to the church, and the tour bus was there. We didn't have to leave for a while, so we went up and looked at the damage in the choir room from the fire. It was pretty bad. There was a big pile of music and stuff on the floor. The main doors were locked or nailed shut, so we had to get in through the music director's office door. It smelled pretty bad. Anway, we got on the bus and started driving. Our bus driver was named Dave. He was pretty cool. It was kinda weird though...he had this wireless headset for his phone or something that he wore everywhere. Like, he wore in into Perkins. And he had this leather vest thing. O well. I guess thats just what bus drivers do. lol. So we had dinner at Culver's. Double ButterBurger Cheese and Root Beer. Yummy. When we got to the church, we just set up and went to bed. We didn't go to sleep though. Micheal and the seventh graders made sure of that. So got to sleep around midnight or something.
SATURDAY: Then we got up at 5:15 and got ready to hit the slopes. We left for breakfast at Perkins at 6:55 or so, and we got there are 7. I had a belgian waffle, hashbrowns, and a small apple juice. It was all really really good. And really filling. So then we drove for about half an hour to get to Afton Alps. The road down to parking is really steep, so it was pretty fun on the bus, lol. We went to the meadows chalet, and went to rent our skis. Then we hit the slopes at about 9:30. We warmed up a little bit, and then we just went wherever. I had my big huge jacket, and a facemask, and goggles, and a hat, so nobody could tell who I was. When we went back to the chalet after a couple hours, I got rid of my big jacket and just wore my windbreaker. I was still really warm. I had like ten billion layers. I had two pairs of socks, long johns, jeans, water/snow proof pants, a thermal underwear shirt, a long sleeved shirt, a hoodie, a windbreaker, a facemask, hat, goggles, and mittens. So I was toasty. It was fun though. I went with Patrick, Nick, Jacob, Kelso, Eric, and a bunch other people. I pretty much just had a ceral bar for lunch that day. So that night, some people went back to the church, and some people stayed for more skiing. I'm glad I stayed, because later that night the 93X rock radio station playin some sweet tunes. There was a snowboard trick competition, and jacob and jeff entered it, except they did tricks on their penis skis. It was pretty funny. I didn't see it cuz the rest of us were off on another hill. Anyway, they got a free bottle of Black Cherry Vanilla Coke for participating. Me and Eric got one too, even though we didn't participate. These 2 guys went up the they guy and said can we have a coke, and the guy said are you really thirsty, and they said yeah, and he grabbed 4, and me and eric got the other 2. teeheehee. At about 8:30, we went back to the church and had a good spaghetti dinner. Then Andy and Ptrick had a jam session (piano ang guitar) and I played bongos on the piano. I wish I had my bass. Or at least a real pair of bongos. Then we went to bed, and got to sleep right away.
SUNDAY: We didn't get up as willingly yesterday. We didn't wake up til like 6:15 and we had to be out of there at 7. So we pretty much got out on time, just a little delay. We went to Perkins again, I had french toast and apple juice, and it was good. We went up to the Alps, and skiied a bunch. I wiped out on the really steep hill. It was pretty cool. I was going backwards for a second. We were at the terrain park a lot, and I took a bunch a pics. Andy, Nick, Jacob, and Jeff skiied back to the chalet topless. I got some pictures of that too. It was pretty funny. Then we returned our skis and left. We went to Culvers again on the way back, and I had a single ButterBurger cheese and a root beer float and fries. It was all good. Especially the root beer float. Wow. Yummy. So we got back, and I went to bed. zzzz. And I'm really tired and sore this morning. And I have to sell pizza for the ski trip in Colorado for orchestra. I hate door to door sales. It sucks. Ok, I'll get those pictures up...someday. I hope.


Oh yeah. And finals are over. I forgot to say that.
I feel like such a DUMBASS. I couldn't find her after school. I saw her after the first final but she was talkin with a buncha friends. I knew exactly what I was gonna say to. Damn. Well, I'll ask her Tuesday. Anyway, after 15 minutes of everybody waiting for me waiting for her (lol), we all trekked over to Quiznos. IT WAS SOO F#!? COOOOLD!!!! It wouldn't have been that bad if not for the 35 mph wind. Anyway, after we got to Quizno's (like 20 minutes later), we got our food (I got a 6" meatball sub-it was good), and went over to the coffee shop. I decided I don't like that coffee shop. The service was crappy, and my mocha tasted like $#!+. Seriously. The lady spilled like half of the chocolate on the counter when she was making it. Bleugh. Anyway, I'M GONNA BE ON THE SLOPES IN LIKE 18 HOURS!!!! wOOt!!!! We're leavin at 4:30...which is...soon. So i gotta go finish packing. I'll take sum pictures...post 'em here...and talk to y'all when I get back!!!! If i'm not dead!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!! :-p


My ears...are so cold...so, so, cold...
Yeah, I shouldn't have been out riding my bike. It's only, like, 50. lol
I LOVE FINALS!!!! Actually, I love getting out of finals at like 11. School is a waste of TIME! HAHA. Yeah, English was kinda hard, Math was pretty easy. Propel is good. I drank propel during finals. My iPod died. I had a buncha opportunities to listen to it. Hmmm...Tomorrow after school we're all going to Quizno's. And then we're playing frisbee golf. And I'm gonna ask her. :-) It should be pretty fun. I'm going skiing this weekend!!! wOOt! I have to pack sometime. Probably this afternoon. My mom sez I need more long sleeved shirts though so I have to go shopping. :-( Ugh. Hopefully she'll finally realize that they don't have clothes that fit me in the frickin little kid section anymore. The weather here is soo sweet. It's like 50 degrees. In, like, the middle of January. So sweet. Time to go shopping...and go to grandmas...


Oh man. We have finals tomorrow. I gotta get to bed. I've been meaning to post my study guide with all the science stuff from the last like 3 months on it. It's pretty crazy go nuts. Yeah, so anyway, I think I'm gonna ask her either tomorrow or friday...man...im soo nervous.....Lets see...that hot chocolate was good. It had lotsa marshiemallows. I had so much else to say, and now i've forgotten it all. Hmm. OOh I no. When your filling out your profile on here, you can't put more that 600 characters. Which is really hard to deal with when you really like a lot of bands with names like Queens of the Stone Age and Red Hot Chili Peppers. Ok, so lets pretend all the bands have an average of 10 letters. Plus spaces and commas and crap. It's 15. So that gives you...40 bands. Seriously, who likes less that 40 bands??? Not me.
woah. You know what? I just published those last two posts exactly 24 hours apart. 4:39. Thats pretty sweet. woah.
Okay. So I'm drinking this hot chocolate and its really good and thats all can write because I have to go STUDY!!!! DAMMIT! I HATE STUDYING!!!! 2 MORE DAYS OF FINALS, MAN! 2 more days...


Hey everybody, this is my blog. Duh. Hmm, lets see.... IM me...drumdude141....other stuff...ya i'll write more when I feel like thinking.