
Okay. So I'm still waiting for an answer from her...I think I might hopefully get one soon...now that I have more than like 3 minutes to talk to her...i hope. So we had the jazz at the hall concert. It was pretty cool. I just wish she had been there...
Anyway, there was lotsa ppl there...and it was cool. We were going to go to dairy queen but we didn't. lol. We played for the rest of the band in band...?...and I pretty much nailed my solo. Except for the last part. But I think it still sounded pretty sweet. My bass kept slipping around and it sounded like my amp was farting or something. It was pretty bad. lol.
Oh...i got an answer. She wants to go as just friends...thats not 2 bad. She's not laughing in my face...moderate sucess. Cool. But still....
I should be happy with this. I am. this is SWEET! HAHA!!!!!
k bye


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