
Wow. What an f.ed up day. Wat an f.ed up day indeed. School...sucks...duh. Homework...yeah, words, watever. Lets see, I asked her over IM !!! whotf asks somebody to the valentines dance over IM???!? I tried to talk to her in person, but she had horseback riding lessons, and track tomorrow, and she was curious as to why i wanted to talk to her in person so i just broke down and asked. And she sed she'd think about it. I dunno....i'm gonna b praying.
Newa, the band geek basketball team--i dunno how thats gonna wrk out if they're all gonna b at 9...lol. Watever. Tuvan throat singing is really cool. As is victor wooten. He's like, my hero, man. Amazing. Talk atcha tomorrow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey dan!!!! yah i love ur blog! don't worry, she'll say yes!

6:24 PM  

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