

Ok, so I went over to Aunt Retta and Uncle John and everybody's house, and I took this little video of Ben. He's pretty cool. Like the last one, if you're on facebook, you'll have to go to the original post.



This is what we do when I go to my cousins house:

By the way, if you're looking at this from facebook, you probably won't be able to tell that there's a video, so you've gotta go to the original post.



Dan has a stomach ache. Not a good thing to have on thanksgiving. :-(


You know that post from a while ago? Where I was kinda pissed? And the beginning got cut off? It didn't actually get cut off. It was stuck in the middle of the post. I fixed it. So now it's at the beginning. Just so you know...

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Yep. Cuz that's definitley what day it is. Yesterday we left a house at 11:14. I drove for about 2 1/2 hours. It was pretty fun. They need to increase the speed limit to, lile, 90 though. That'd be pretty sweet. We stopped at Williamsburg for lunch. I got a beef and chedder sandwich at arbys and sum chicken selects, fries, and a milkshake at McDonalds. I lost my sunglasses too, and I think I left them there. I'm pretty bummed. We're staying at the Holiday Inn in Gurnee, Illinois. We've stayed here before. Its pretty cool...but there's no continental breakfast. So we have to all go down to the little restaurant at the same time. So i'm kinda hungry. Uhh...I have some homework. And my parents have been really annoying trying to get me to do it. We have the digital camera, but I think I left the little dock thing in the car, so I can't upload any pictures right now. Tonight we are having dinner at Aunt Laura and Uncle Ed's house. I'm not sure what we're doing the rest of the day. O yeah, my thankfulness....I'm thankful for my friends, my family i guess, Heather :-), music, computers, money, and...good times...yeah. I'll think of more later. Oh yeah, french toast, belgian waffles, hashbrowns, toast, and eggs. And strawberries. And strawberry banana smoothies. and heather. :-) Ok, I think i'm done talking for now. Time for to make excellent homework for proud patriotic...borat...i dunno. I never actually saw the movie. I've heard it was kinda good though. I saw stranger than fiction though. thats a good movie. see it.


Worst. Burglar. Ever.



apperantly, it didn't get quite all of that last post. basically, i was working in the kitchen at church for the dinner thing, and there was this annoying kid trying to tell me what to do, and he was saying stuff like....whats in that post. sorry...


Today sucked. Seriously. I had to get up at like 8 or something, and then go to church. I lost my voice...and I had to sing. After chuch, my phone rang. i missed it, so if anybody knows who 224-9156 is, tell me. I went down to the kitchen and did dishes. (This next bit includes some questionable language. Sorry.) With the most annoying kid on the fucking PLANET. Holy hell. It wasn't even funny. I was about to fucking strangle him the whole goddamn time. I was so pissed. So I start off, and I'm trying to get the dishwasher running, and it's not filling, so I turn it off and turn it back on again. It's filling, and just as its about done, he fucking goes and opens the dishwasher. Which needs to be closed to fill. And so then he starts blabbering on in his fucking two octaves higher than it should be voice about how "you're supposed to have the door open when its filling" and "you have to wear this apron when you're doing dishes" and "i'm going to run the sprayer, and you can stand behind me and listen to music." yeah. you kinda had to be there. but newa, after we finally get it filled, we put a load in, and he's kinda cooperating a little bit. and by cooperating, i mean not doing anything. which was nice. but then he decides he wants to tell me how to do everything, when i've been doing it for like 4 years and i already kind of know whats going on, unlike this dumbass who things you're supposed to run the dishwasher with the fucking door OPEN. JESUS CHRIST. argghhhh. but yeah, then he starts singing and muttering something about "i dont give a damn vietnam next." over and fucking OVER. FOR LIKE 20 MINUTES. and then he changes to some song about like bloody mary eats black beatles or something. people would come to the window and drop off dishes, and they would look at me, and i'd be looking psychotic and doing everything in my power to not fucking smash a plate over his head, and i can tell they're feeling bad for me, but they just walk away. sometimes they said something like, having fun, dan? but usually not. did i mention he was completely incompetent? He would stand there for like 2 minutes at a time just spraying water down the sink, when there was like a 2 foot high pile of dishes to be washed off. and even then, he didn't think people should need to scrape the food off the plates--he could just spray them off. but then we'd have to run the disposal. and then when people didn't scrape it off, and i didn't have time to deal with it cuz i was busy restraining myself, he wouldn't even spray all the food off. i told him to, and he's like, no, the dishwasher will get it off. and i'm like no it won't, and even if it did, it would clog the plumbing. and he's like, no it won't. and i'm like, HOW THE FUCK WOULD YOU KNOW?? GET OUT OF THE KITCHEN, YOU STUPID PIECE OF SHIT!!!! except i didn't say that. out loud. so basically, it went on like that for a few hours, then i left. i had some of the food we had been serving, which was alright, and while i'm eating, his mom or grandma or aunt or somebody comes up and starts mubling at us something about "i'm going home to drop off my daughter, and i can't leave, so somebody needs to keep an eye on bo {the kid} while i'm gone, and don't tell him I left" or something. seriously. who the fuck names a kid bo? some kind of dysfunctional crazy bitch, that's who. so anyway, then I left. or tried to. but i couldn't because my mom was taking too long. again. so she finally comes out of the church, and we went to....home. i think. we went home. so yeah, then i did some homework, and I cleaned out the gutter. that was pretty fun. i got leaves and shit all over the yard. and then I had to go to choir, so my brother cleaned it up. we were supposed to find out who was gonna play who in wizard of oz, but apperantly there are still a couple people who need to audition. so we're gonna find out next sunday, but i don't think i'm gonna be there next sunday, cuz we're gonna be getting back from gurnee...more about that later. so yeah, i get home, and bobby hasn't done anything about the leaves. so I had to do it. and bobby went inside and started crying. umm....yeah, then we went to dinner at macaroni grill. it was pretty good. i saw sean. after that, we came home, and guess what I found in the basement:
Yeah. Not good. You can kinda get the details and the feel of the moment with this picture:

I was really pissed. And I still am. Cuz now, i'm like $6000 in debt, and I have a broken guitar. #$%^. But Heather's online now, so it's a little bit better.

So yeah, thats about it for today. I'll write something about friday and saturday later. if i feel like it. o i no, i'll write it in the car on the way to gurnee. which i will also tell you about later. later.


So...I'm in speech/comp again

Yep. It's pretty exciting. We're studying sentence structure and stuff. Um...i'm hungry. Lunch is next. Hopefully it will be better than yesterday's soggy cheese dippers. Last nite, our Internet died (obviously.)Mr. Neslen is standing over my shoulder correcting me capitalization. It was really scary (the internet failure). I had no communication with the outside world for a few hours, except for phone and snail mail. And thats not nearly as awesome. 12 minutes till lunch...I have jazz band after lunch. I forgot my music last time, and I think Mr. Kobberdahl was kinda pissed. Newa, I brought it today. And I just realized that I forgot to do my little nametag for spanish. I think i'll make it with a milk carton. It's probably not worth many points...hold on. Hmmm....she's a little behind on the grades. We took the test last week sometime, but it's not in there yet. Same with my debate paper thing...and so when those get in there i'll probably be up to a B or something.

Guess what? Tryouts for wizard of oz at my church are today after school. I'm gonna do lites, and sound if jared doesn't do it. I know sarah said something about a pit orchestra too, so I might see what thats about. I also might see if there are any tiny roles with not many lines and no singing. Cuz I don't wanna sing. I have spanish homework tonite...and probably western civ...I think i'll do spanish cuz we still have 6 minutes before lunch. Ciao.


It's back.

My internet is fixed....but you can call me anyway. Actually, don't. My phone is charging.

The System is Down

Yeah, the internet at my haus seems to be down so i can only access the web from my phone...and thats kinda slow. So call if u need anything. 4198880


Can you say irony?

Yeah, I thought this was kinda funny. The cartoons themselves aren't all that great....

But I don't think the cartoonists have a whole lot of communication going on between them. At least the boxers don't match...quite...

I also thought this was pretty sweet.

Today....nothing really happened. But Thanksgiving break starts in about a week and a day. Yay! We're going to Gurnee I think to see everybody. It's gonna be crazy sweet...


A slightly less lame weekend than the last one

Yep. Thats pretty much what it is so far. What's today? Saturday? So what's happened? I think they mighta stuck daylight savings in there somewhere. Ok. So pretty much I had really crappy grades this week, then I got them back up. Last nite, I went to the mall and a movie with Heather (and sarah and paul). They came around 7ish but I went around 630 to have a bite. I got pizza and saw Brad and Garrett. I chilled with them for a while until about 7 and then I went back to the theater kinda area. Heather called and sed she'd be a few minutes....a few minutes happened....and she showed up. Everybody needs to see Stranger than Fiction. Its really good. Its like kinda funny sad...ish....after the movie we hanged out a little bit and went home. And I was bored. And then, right as Heather got online, I had to go to bed so I could take the

PLAN!!!!! Which sucked. Really bad. It took 50 minutes to fill in the name stuff. Reeaally lame. I think I did kinda ok. Except on the science part. I did pretty bad on that. Which is prolly not good since I wanna b an engineer or sumthin...mabye I'll go for the baker career path. I woke up at 6:45, which is earlier than I need to for school on weekdays. AHHH Heathers here! brb....

Wow. That took a while. I went and had diner and sum dessert. It was coffee merengue pie. More about that later. Uh...where were we...yea the PLAN was lame. No me gusta. After that I went home and did some homework (western civ, if anybody's interested). Then I went out and sold a mixed box of fruit and a sausage. Oh yeah that reminds me...I'm sellin fruit and cheese and sausage and candy for band. I'll make another post about it in a little bit. Then I came home and did some more homework. Oh yeah, I forgot, I went to panera a while before that, too. Umm...yeah, after a while, I called Heather's parents cuz she had told me her mom wanted to buy summat for band. I went over her house, and the first thing I did was kick her dog. It was really embarrasing. I didn't do it on purpose, of course. Anyway, she bought a buncha stuff, and it was very nice of her. and Mr. Piatt too. Thanks...if you read this...which I hope you don't...cuz that'd be creepy....and i just kinda probably blew if it you do read it...so how about Heather, u tell them thank you 4 me. thx...yea...so they talked to me for like 45 minutes. so i didn't get to sell any more around there. o well. yeah, then i came home and finished some more homework. so now i'm done with my hw. HÜÜRAH!!!! Yeah....then I called Heather's mom again to ask if she wanted a butterbraid, and she did, so that was cool. aaand I went to hyvee and saw heather and got sum ice cream. and heather needs to get online. and bonaroo is really good.

what else....I pretty much just chilled the rest of the day....played sum drums...sum bass...o yeah, and today we celebrated mi madre's birthday. my gramma brought over a coffee merengue pie. and i had to chisel it out of the pan. it was rediculous. but it tasted pretty good. there was also ice cream.

and heather just called me. shes at some scary house somewhere babysitting. doesn't sound like a lot of fun. yea thats pretty much it. ciao.


A new musical journey!!!! Huurhah!!!

Yes, thats how you spell it. Not HUGH. That's hug with an extra h. This is the almighty HUURHAH! You have to kinda bring up summa ur lungs with the double U. Mabye I should do like a ü kinda thing. HÜÜRHAH!!!! Yeah....I like it.
Anyway, me and jason and evan are gonna start a funk/reggae band. Evan sez he knows a guy who can play guitar pretty good, but we still need a singer....so if you know of anybody, that'd be cool. Also, if anybody has a spare wah pedal or a fuzz pedal, lemme know....thx. Also, Christmas is comin up. What else...I should prolly burn those CDs I sed i'd do 4 Sam. We're gonna start a different band....he'll play bass, i'll play drums, and sam tells me mitch gardener can play guitar pretty good. Yep. And the other band hasn't practiced for a long time. OOHHH thanks for reminding me...jason sed we might after school thursday.


if you do read it, don't tell her what it says.

Lemme go check on that....fuck. My mom has no life. She's a bitching machine. I can't practice cuz I have crappy grades. I can't go to the unidome on friday cuz i have bad grades. and a bass lesson. and i have to take the fucking PLAN test on saturday. fuck. bitch.
sorry. dan is pissed. he's gonna have to make a blog sometime and not let his mom find out about it. either that, or move faar far away. like, iceland mabye. anybody wanna move with me to iceland? i think it might be kinda lonley over there. i have an idea...we'll deport her to iceland. sweet....

anyway, for super wednesday tomorrow, im playing drums for this kid cuz its the talent show. and i have to bring my drumset. so i'm gonna go take that apart. goodbye.



Me gusta cinnamon applesauce. Yeah...so I wrote a childrens book in spanish for....spanish. Duh. Mabye i'll scan it in sometime. If i feel like it. Uhhh....so. This weekend pretty much sucked. Friday, I didn't go to school, but had oral surgery instead. I was pretty much out of it all day that day...I have no recollection of anything that happened. However, I learned that Valley got out around lunch because of a broken water main. So the one day they get out, i'm already missing. I was really pissed...and still am. Yep. Mabye another one'll break next week....? So pretty much what the oral surgery did was attach a chain to this one tooth that isn't coming in so they can pull it down over an infinite period of time. I can't really remember what happened yesterday either. I think I babysat Bobby a bit. And I went to church this morning, then went to see the play at school-the Laramie Project. It was really GAY. hahahaha, badum chink. umm....yeah, i thought it was kind of ok. some people were relaly good, people who pissed me off were the narrator, cuz he was really proper and always leaning his head to one side and i think he might be a girl, and rob todd, cuz he was crying all the time. and he's probably gay too. not that i have anything against gays....just annoying people. In unrelated news, I want this house.


Dan is makin some lists.

Yeah. I dunno. I'm having kind of a lame night. And I'm looking forward to a lame weekend. Here's the to do list:

Get my mouth sliced open by some asshole.
Pay said asshole rediculous sum of money.
Do bio project.
Do Math homework.
Do Western Civ homework.
Do Spanish homework.
Practice bass.
Practice other bass.
Play some drums.
Mow the lawn.
Clean the shower.
Clean the floor.
Pick up packet for selling shit.
Sell said shit.
Kill people.
Break stuff.

What? I'm not bitter...by the way, if anybody wants to buy some shit, i'm definitley selling. And by shit, I mean fruit, cheese, butterbraids, some catalog with ladies gifts in it, or cupon books. Or shit. Whatever makes you happy. (I'll make a better sales pitch later....)

Two good things. 1.) I don't have to go to school tomorrow. 2.) My dad has just informed me that I can get 20 songs from iTunes, and we'll discuss the ones marked "explicit" later. That another thing that pisses me off. Censorship. I should put that on my myspace (which, in case you were wondering, i haven't gotten any comments on for about a month...hint hint....). There was a pretty good article about it by some tubaman in band in the school paper the other day, but I forgot to save a copy. So cry me a river, build a bridge, and get over it. Yet another amazing phrase I heard this week. Not quite good enough for the quotes section of my facebook, but still....

But back to the music, here's my list of stuff I wanna get. It may not make a lotta since cuz I just copied it outta iTunes, but you should get the jist of it.

Bat Country 5:11 Avenged Sevenfold City of Evil
Easy 4:29 Barenaked Ladies Barenaked Ladies Are Me
Don't Phunk With My Heart 4:04 Black Eyed Peas Don't Phunk With My Heart - Single
Where Is the Love? 4:32 Black Eyed Peas & Justin Timberlake Elephunk
The Diary of Jane (Single Version) 3:20 Breaking Benjamin Phobia
So Cold (Remix) 4:35 Breaking Benjamin We Are Not Alone
Sooner or Later 3:39 Breaking Benjamin We Are Not Alone
The Scientist 5:09 Coldplay A Rush of Blood to the Head
Clocks 5:07 Coldplay A Rush of Blood to the Head
Yellow 4:29 Coldplay Parachutes
Speed of Sound 4:48 Coldplay Speed of Sound - Single
Cold 3:14 Crossfade Cold - Single
So Far Away 3:25 Crossfade Crossfade
Where Are You Going 3:51 Dave Matthews Band Busted Stuff
Prayer 3:39 Disturbed Believe
Guarded 3:20 Disturbed Guarded - Single
Just Stop 3:43 Disturbed Ten Thousand Fists
Down With the Sickness 4:38 Disturbed The Sickness
Blue (Da Ba Dee) [Radio Edit] 3:30 Eiffel 65 Europop
Call Me When You're Sober 3:34 Evanescence The Open Door
I'm So Sick 2:55 Flyleaf Flyleaf
Best of You 4:15 Foo Fighters In Your Honor
DOA 4:12 Foo Fighters In Your Honor
My Hero 4:38 Foo Fighters My Hero
Times Like These 4:25 Foo Fighters One by One
Learn to Fly 3:55 Foo Fighters There Is Nothing Left to Lose
Petrified 3:41 Fort Minor The Rising Tied
Where'd You Go 3:51 Fort Minor featuring Holly Brook and Jonah Matranga The Rising Tied
I Stand Alone 4:06 Godsmack Faceless
Whatever 3:26 Godsmack Godsmack
Voodoo 9:06 Godsmack Godsmack
Lips of an Angel 4:23 Hinder Extreme Behavior (Digital Version)
Savin' Me 3:39 Nickelback All the Right Reasons
Rock Star 4:15 Nickelback All the Right Reasons
Heart Shaped Box 4:41 Nirvana In Utero
All Apologies 3:50 Nirvana In Utero
Lithium 4:17 Nirvana Nevermind
Perry Mason (Live) 5:54 Ozzy Osbourne Prince of Darkness
Last Resort 3:19 Papa Roach Infest
...To Be Loved 3:04 Papa Roach The Paramour Sessions
Alive 6:17 Pearl Jam 04/05/03: North America - #18 San Antonio
Life Wasted 3:51 Pearl Jam Pearl Jam
World Wide Suicide 3:27 Pearl Jam Pearl Jam
Dani California 4:42 Red Hot Chili Peppers Stadium Arcadium
Dragula 3:42 Rob Zombie Hellbilly Deluxe
Always 3:51 Saliva Back into Your System
Survival of the Sickest 4:07 Saliva Survival of the Sickest
The Gift 5:34 Seether Karma and Effect
Burning Bright 3:47 Shinedown Leave a Whisper
I Dare You 3:54 Shinedown Us and Them
Chasing Cars 4:25 Snow Patrol Eyes Open
It's Been Awhile 4:25 Staind Break the Cycle
For You 3:25 Staind Break the Cycle
Outside 4:51 Staind Break the Cycle
Everything Changes 3:58 Staind Chapter V
Mudshovel 4:41 Staind Dysfunction
Dare You to Move 4:08 Switchfoot The Beautiful Letdown
Violent Pornography 3:31 System of a Down Mezmerize
Question! 3:20 System of a Down Mezmerize
Pain 3:23 Three Days Grace One-X
Animal I Have Become 3:51 Three Days Grace One-X
I Hate Everything About You 3:51 Three Days Grace Three Days Grace
Home 4:20 Three Days Grace Three Days Grace
Happy Together 2:56 The Turtles Happy Together
Vertigo 3:16 U2 How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb
Nightingale 4:30 Norah Jones Live from Bonnaroo 2002
Burn One Down / With My Own Two Hands 8:56 Ben Harper Live from Bonnaroo 2002
Sugartown 3:25 North Mississippi Allstars Live from Bonnaroo 2002
Amazing Grace 5:14 Blind Boys of Alabama Live from Bonnaroo 2002
Bittersweet Symphony 5:58 The Verve Urban Hymns
Cell Phone 4:22 Victor Wooten Soul Circus
Who Are You 6:21 The Who Who Are You (Remastered)
Lights and Sounds 3:28 Yellowcard Lights and Sounds
Ocean Avenue 3:18 Yellowcard Ocean Avenue

Yep. Good stuff. Tell me if you think there's more stuff I should get. I used to have another list, but I lost it. :-/

So I would try to think what all has happened this past week, but i'm kinda tired and i'll probably have plenty of time this weekend to tell you. So....we won the first playoff game against Lincoln 20-40, and Sioux City beat Dowling like 21-7 or something, so we'll be playing them there next week...time...whatever. No, I'm not going. But ima go....place...now. Good day.