

Today sucked. Seriously. I had to get up at like 8 or something, and then go to church. I lost my voice...and I had to sing. After chuch, my phone rang. i missed it, so if anybody knows who 224-9156 is, tell me. I went down to the kitchen and did dishes. (This next bit includes some questionable language. Sorry.) With the most annoying kid on the fucking PLANET. Holy hell. It wasn't even funny. I was about to fucking strangle him the whole goddamn time. I was so pissed. So I start off, and I'm trying to get the dishwasher running, and it's not filling, so I turn it off and turn it back on again. It's filling, and just as its about done, he fucking goes and opens the dishwasher. Which needs to be closed to fill. And so then he starts blabbering on in his fucking two octaves higher than it should be voice about how "you're supposed to have the door open when its filling" and "you have to wear this apron when you're doing dishes" and "i'm going to run the sprayer, and you can stand behind me and listen to music." yeah. you kinda had to be there. but newa, after we finally get it filled, we put a load in, and he's kinda cooperating a little bit. and by cooperating, i mean not doing anything. which was nice. but then he decides he wants to tell me how to do everything, when i've been doing it for like 4 years and i already kind of know whats going on, unlike this dumbass who things you're supposed to run the dishwasher with the fucking door OPEN. JESUS CHRIST. argghhhh. but yeah, then he starts singing and muttering something about "i dont give a damn vietnam next." over and fucking OVER. FOR LIKE 20 MINUTES. and then he changes to some song about like bloody mary eats black beatles or something. people would come to the window and drop off dishes, and they would look at me, and i'd be looking psychotic and doing everything in my power to not fucking smash a plate over his head, and i can tell they're feeling bad for me, but they just walk away. sometimes they said something like, having fun, dan? but usually not. did i mention he was completely incompetent? He would stand there for like 2 minutes at a time just spraying water down the sink, when there was like a 2 foot high pile of dishes to be washed off. and even then, he didn't think people should need to scrape the food off the plates--he could just spray them off. but then we'd have to run the disposal. and then when people didn't scrape it off, and i didn't have time to deal with it cuz i was busy restraining myself, he wouldn't even spray all the food off. i told him to, and he's like, no, the dishwasher will get it off. and i'm like no it won't, and even if it did, it would clog the plumbing. and he's like, no it won't. and i'm like, HOW THE FUCK WOULD YOU KNOW?? GET OUT OF THE KITCHEN, YOU STUPID PIECE OF SHIT!!!! except i didn't say that. out loud. so basically, it went on like that for a few hours, then i left. i had some of the food we had been serving, which was alright, and while i'm eating, his mom or grandma or aunt or somebody comes up and starts mubling at us something about "i'm going home to drop off my daughter, and i can't leave, so somebody needs to keep an eye on bo {the kid} while i'm gone, and don't tell him I left" or something. seriously. who the fuck names a kid bo? some kind of dysfunctional crazy bitch, that's who. so anyway, then I left. or tried to. but i couldn't because my mom was taking too long. again. so she finally comes out of the church, and we went to....home. i think. we went home. so yeah, then i did some homework, and I cleaned out the gutter. that was pretty fun. i got leaves and shit all over the yard. and then I had to go to choir, so my brother cleaned it up. we were supposed to find out who was gonna play who in wizard of oz, but apperantly there are still a couple people who need to audition. so we're gonna find out next sunday, but i don't think i'm gonna be there next sunday, cuz we're gonna be getting back from gurnee...more about that later. so yeah, i get home, and bobby hasn't done anything about the leaves. so I had to do it. and bobby went inside and started crying. umm....yeah, then we went to dinner at macaroni grill. it was pretty good. i saw sean. after that, we came home, and guess what I found in the basement:
Yeah. Not good. You can kinda get the details and the feel of the moment with this picture:

I was really pissed. And I still am. Cuz now, i'm like $6000 in debt, and I have a broken guitar. #$%^. But Heather's online now, so it's a little bit better.

So yeah, thats about it for today. I'll write something about friday and saturday later. if i feel like it. o i no, i'll write it in the car on the way to gurnee. which i will also tell you about later. later.


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