
Oh my GOD. I have the worst headache I have ever fucking had. Seriously. It hurts like a bitch. My moms afraid its sum disease, like, menengitis or sumthing that can kill you in like an hour or sumthin. So thats just scarin the shit outta me. I'm not gonna be able to think at all today. AUGH. Jesus i hope that advil starts to kick in soon. its just generic hyvee shit though, so it probably won't. fuckin generic advil making bastards. damn them. damn them to hell.


Blogger Peggy said...

I'm sure you don't have meningitis. It could be a migraine though. I get those and there is no relief from them once they have their teeth into your head. Generic pain relief isn't like generic food. It HAS to be chemically equivalent to the branded stuff. There are all sorts of laws about it. The packaging is worse, as is the marketing but packaging and marketing never cured a headache. I hope it clears soon.


12:28 PM  

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