
Grrr...Dan is angry. Ok. Here's my day. I went to church, which sucked as usual, and we went to bruggers, i didn't get anything cuz i had like 3 donuts and a cinnamon roll and a buncha cookies at church, and we went home. I threw the frisbee at sum stuff, figured out a new throw that works a helluva lot better than the old one, and came in and stuff. I was gonna go disc golfing with miku and ike, but ike couldn't and its pretty much pointless to do anything w/o ike. lol. o man. thats an awesome song. rnw@y by linkin park. just about the most kick ass ending, ever. anyway, dad and bobby were about go on a bike ride, so I figured I'd just go with them. They were really slow. Seriously. I got to fairmeadows park from our house and took a friggin nap for like 10 minutes before they got there. and its only like, a quarter mile. I'm gonna figure out how far it is on google earth. hold on... .6 miles. lets see how far it is to school...3.01 miles to the front door. how bout to the bus turnaround...2.74 miles. so that means im 106 feet away from god damned free bussing. bus school disctrict whatever the f*** fags. that cant be right. theres like 5280 feet in a mile. watever. as the giant meteor says in that "the end of the world" cartoon, "well fuck that." so where was i...so yea. we got down there, and the disc golf course was packed, and there was no bike rack, so we went to the library. I got a book and a sprite and clicked on my ads a bunch on here (i'm up to $2.73 folks, keep clickin. i need about $50 for the new bass i wanna get. either that or i could get the $550 or $600 one. your choice.) yea. so then we went to the golf course. it was really slow, so we only did like 5 or 6 holes. we went back to the library, got our bikes, and headed back home. When I was going past the police station, i was riding no hands. cuz that just wat i do. so there was this driveway, and a bump, and i was like, hmm i think i can make it over this bump w/ no hands. and i did. there was another bump. i made it over that one too, but that time i fell and scraped both my hands, my left leg, knee, hip, shoulder, and elbow. yea i no, im a dumbass. go to hell. jk. mabye. anyway, i was pissed. dad put a buncha bandaids and shit on it. and we went back. i took a shower, my hand hurt like a bitch, whatever. its gonna suck at jazz band 2morrow. ugh. so then my loser parents made me go to church again cuz the youth group is doin the service next week. im a flucking usher, so there wasn't really any point of me bein there. we came home, had bratwurst, and stuff. i think were havin dove bars for desert. yum. but im still pissed. so click on the ads a bunch, leave comments on here, leave comments on myspace, befriend me on myspace, just do sumthin to cheer me up. cuz christ knows...somethin. i dunno. im out of stuff to say. he knows a lotta stuff. but none of it applies to this situation...w/e. ciao.


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