
Okay, 8 minutes till Letterman's on. GO!
Lets see, it's been a while. I have renewed my addiction to the sims and simcity and stuff. I'm playin the sims on the downstairs computer and simcity on the laptop, but the basement one just died so all i can do now is simcity. :-( And thats starting to get a little old. I need to get more excersies. I wanna go skiing, dammit!!! lol. I also wanna go disc golfing. i think they went today, but i couldnt go cuz i had an orchestra thing. I saw heather though, so that was cool. I also saw drew and nile from church. its cool when ur like, oh, hey, i no them and u don't. haha. LOSER!!! i'll probably c heather 2morrow at the band thing 2. lets c...i sorted a bunch of cds. i found a buncha music thats really good that i hadn't heard for a long time. HOLY CRAP A DUTCH LETTER!!!! YUMMMY!!!!!!! Yeah, I like dutch letters. They taste good...
Yeah thats about all I can think of right now. And Letterman's on. More later~~~Ciao.


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