
Aurghh!!!! I'm losing my mind!! Ugh. I have a math test tomorrow and I barely understand any of the material. The only think I really get is polynomial long division, and I don't think thats even gonna be on the godamned test! I have a basic understanding of the other stuff, but I don't get, like, how to factor and stuff. Its pissin me off cuz we did all this in the last chapter, but I already forgot how to do it. It's like my brain was full and took out the trash after the last test. AAHHHH!!!!!!!!!! I figured out that if I get an A in the rest of my classes and an F in math, i can still have like a 3.8 gpa. but my mom sez if i get anything lower than a b in any class the rest of the year, I can't go to ireland. so im pretty much screwed.
I had a really weird dream last nite. I was in what seemed like a nazi concentration camp or some government correctional facility or something. it was weird. i was in this like narrow shaft that went underground and they were sending me down and somehow i got them to let me back up. Then some guy was makin me walk around. Finally I kicked his ass and tried to find a way out. I just ran around until i found sunlight and ran toward it. I got outside, and i was on this balcony kinda thing looking out on a railyard. so i ran away, and i was gonna jump on a train, but then i figured they could track me that way, so i just ran...somewhere. then i woke up and stuff. then i went back to sleep, and the dream continued. the guy who was chasing me saw where i had gone out and he was like "argh, he jumped a train. lets track it." so they lost me forever. then the dream was over. so i was happy.


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