
Ok. We had a visitor from canada AND a visitor from london yesterday. thats seriously the most exciting thing that happened this weekend. ugh. boring. now, time for another week of...lets see...whats a good synonym for boring...characterless...drudging...interminable??...monotonous...moth-eaten...hehe... platitoudinous??? wtf???...thats my new word for the week...stodgy...ooh i like that one...very british....very stodgy, eh, chaps? righto. how about some tea, then...i'm sorry. I shouldn't be making fun of english people. they're cool. I went to england one time. it was fun. I think there are some pictures of the trip on my family's blog (the link is over on the right there.) I think i'm gonna move there. to london. not the family blog. or over there. whereever that is. right. i'm going to move into your monitor and just...dwelll....there.... ugh. how...tiresome...unexciting...vannilla??? thats creative....where the heck do they get these?...melancholy. that sounds good. melancholy. lol
I think im agnostic. or mabye i'm just lethargic. i dunno. church is just so...boring...and i don't really get that much out of it. yeah theres some cool people there, and bill's awesome, but 3 hours of time i could be using doing other stuff. like eating...ham...i had a really good breakfast this morning. i had a belgian waffle with strawberries and whipped cream, and toast, and eggs, and hashbrowns. and water. that was good. I was gonna get some ham, but the ham at the diner sucks. its like, 2 mm thick. pretty flimsy.
I wrote some lyrics for a song i'm trying to write for the band. i dunno if it'll be a number one single...we'll see. here's what I have so far.

I cry (sigh?) everytime you lie
Everytime you try to pretend that you don’t know me
Im not yours you cant control me
Why won’t you give me pie
You are my pie supply
But now your treating me like an old jewish
an old jewish tie
oh why
not a medditerranean fruit fly
but an old jewish tie.

the musics really cool actually. the begginning of the lyrics are kinda emo-ish. i gotta do somthin about that. the end is my favorite. i'm tryin a little bit of matisyahu meets...i dunno...a fly eaten tie, i guess....


Blogger Peggy said...

Dan, I'm your dad and mom's friend in Scotland and I probably showed up as the London vistor. The broadband server is in London. It's a shame that you guys didn't win at the talent show. Your dad says that you were robbed. From the photos it looked like you had an absolute throng of adoring fans!

8:06 AM  

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