
Guess what? Finals suck. Seriously. I hate studying. Its so...monotonous.
We took 1/3 of the GCS final today. Its 5% of our final semester grade. We had to draw the world from scratch and label as much as we could. I didn't draw it very well, but I was labeling stuff and I was on a roll. Then I ran out of time. I was pissed. It was like the first time I've run out of time on a test. Grr...o well, better luck next week. I won't be posting much for a couple of weeks, cuz i have finals and studying and stuff until Friday, and then I have druline camp for a few days after that from 9-9. So yea, then call or sumthin and we'll all go disc golfin or sumthin. wOOt.


Omg. I am so f ing tired. Lets see...i'll start with yesterday morning. I got up, got ready for school, waited for steve to pick me up and take me 2 jazz band. apperantly, he didn't no i had jb, so i call him at like 6:55 and i'm like, hey, uh, yeah, i have jazz band....and hes like oh, really? well we'll be there in a couple minutes to pick you up. a couple is 2. it took him, like, 7. so we're going like 50 mph down my street. seriously, i was thanking god that he had the top up. still, it was scary as hell. so i get there, and mr kobberdahl's playing bass cuz tanner doesn't know how to make a bass line from the piano part. dumbass. yea, after that, the whole team went into the pod and we watched the first part of madagascar. then we got on the bus and went to the zoo. i swear, the bus drivers were on crack. they went to, like, omaha before getting to the zoo. the zoo was kinda boring, but it was kinda cool since i hadn't been there for like 8 years. i wanted to ride the train...After that, we went downtown to the IMAX. It was really sweet. We saw "forces of nature" which was about tornadoes and volcanoes and earthquakes and stuff. that was sweet. 10,000 watt sound system...awesome...i sat by addison and it was his first imax and he was like "holy shit! this is awesome!!!! omg!!! i've died and gone to heaven!" and this was all before the movie started...they were just changing the colors on the lites...lol. so yea, that was sweet. after the imax there was a firetruck and ambulance and stuff outside. it was pretty chaotic. i dunno wat was going on. ummmm yea we got back, and we finished watching madagascar. i left school, had a bass lesson, jeff didn't show up til 4:30, (the lesson was at 4), so i have to go for an hour next week. wat happened after that...o yeah-the dance!
it was at the val air...and it was pretty sweet. after school, they had forgotten to pack the trap table, the bongos, the congas, and probably sum other stuff. lol. it was funny. so yeah, we played, got awards (i got one :-)) andplayed another one. then we sat down and watched the valley band play. i was gonna sit with everybody else, but when i was scooting my chair over, this fat asshole with a camera behind me was like, you can't sit there. and i was like, fuck you, dude, after they got the awards, which took like half an hour, i moved over and sat with everybody. there was the slideshow...watever. then it was time for the swing dance. that was fun, especially after jason left. lol. i danced with miku...even though she stole my sucker. :-( im such a nice person. we played 3 songs, but i only played bass on one. tanner was late for playing the other one. he was like, just waddling over. it was funny. mr bird was like, haha, we're starting without you, queer. i played shaker on one of em. they wanted me to play piano on ymca, but i was too cool to play piano. lol. basically, we danced and hung out the rest of the nite. it was over around 1030. i left my bass there, so i had to go back and get it. that kinda sucked. so the next morning, i had solo and ensemble. i did okay...i guess...she sed she gave me a good score. so yea, thats pretty much all thats happened. i mowed the lawn yesterday...i think it looks pretty good. i watched spiderman with bobby last nite...that guys a dumbass. so yeah. my blog is fulla ads for schecter. sweet...


Hey. Peggy (from scotland) asked how much those basses are. I sed how much they were in the post, but mabye she was looking for a conversion? Anyway, $230USD is about £123. $550 is about £292, and $600 is about £320. Yep.


Yea, I fixed those bass pictures on that one post. By the way, I think you should read the comments. They're kinda weird...lol. Just so you know, I got a visitor from Chile. wOOt.


Yeah, i no, those images don't work. And summa the links don't either. Just go to musiciansfriend.com and search for em if u wanna c em. sorry.
Hola amigos and....people who...aren't...amigos...i guess....
Newa, I've been babysitting bobby all nite. he lost a tooth. woot. we watched legally blonde 2. it was pretty funny. "your dogs are gay." lmao. ok. so heres the plan: im gonna tell you about the basses i wanna get.

The first one is squier mb-5. It's a 5 string bass. The closest thing to the one i wanna get is the one in the picture below. The one at guitar center is black on the ouside with like a dark red flame kinda pattern. it's pretty sweet. Thats the cheapest one i would wanna get-$230. I'm probably gonna sell that one once i get more money and buy one of the next three.

The Squier

The next one is a schecter stiletto elite-5. another 5 string. this one is at guitar center. its the most expenisve one i'm lookin at rite now. its just under $600.

This one is also at guitar center. A little bit cheaper-$550. Schecter Stiletto Custom-5.

Ok, this one is my favorite. Its really cool. Schecter C-5. Also $550.

Yep, so thats it. If you have any thoughts, leave me a comment. Thanks.


Yeah, I just got back from the orchestra concert. It was kinda boring. I saw heather but i didn't talk to her much. She sed last nite she was gonna go 2 fridays, and i was trying to convice her to go to dq, and i dunno if she did or not, but i didn't go to either place cuz my parents suck. i can't wait to get a friggin car. ugh. miku helped me with math after school. i felt like a complete dumbass. i got it though. im up to a 52% in that class. when i turn in the notebook, i'll probably have around a 71%. I'm pretty psyched. Yeah, thats about all there is to write about. I'll tell you about the bass(es) I wanna get some time. Mabye tomorrow.


Don't you hate it like when your sleeping, and your cold, so you wake up, fix the blankets, and go back to sleep, and then like half a minute later your alarm clock goes off? Yeah, that pisses me off. GRRRRRR...


Okay, I have some music that everybody needs to listen to. The first one is a band called "Chicken Poodle Soup." It's a ska band from Minnesota. One of my barbers custormer's sons plays the trumpet in the band (something like that-that was really impossible to word right lol) and he gave me a CD. Do a google search for chicken poodle soup. Their myspace is like the 4th result. There's some music on there. The second one is a band called Building A Better Spaceship. They are mostly rock, with like an ounce of techno. I guess my dad used to work with the guy who is their manager, and he gave my dad a promo cd. It's pretty good. Go to www.buildingabetterspaceship.com and click music/video. Listen to novocain. That's my favorite. The third one is Edgar Meyer's new self titled cd. He played the instruments, wrote the music, produced it, and arranged it, as it sez on the cover. If you haven't heard of EM, he's a really really really good double bassist. He also plays piano, dobro, guitar, mandolin, gamba, and a bunch of other shiite. edgarmeyer.com. Sound clips. Good stuff. Ciao.
Ok. I've got all kinds of stuff 2 write about today. First of all, my headache is gone. wOOt. It went away pretty much as soon as I got to jazz band. So that was cool. Second of all, we had our 300th visitor earlier this morning. Fortunatley, it actually was not me, last it has been with the last 200. lol. I do know who it was though...a lady from Scotland who my dad used to go to college with or work with or sumthing. She must have been worried about my headache, though, cuz she had been online at like 4:45 yesterday afternoon, and she left a really nice comment.

I'm sure you don't have meningitis. It could be a migraine though. I get those and there is no relief from them once they have their teeth into your head. Generic pain relief isn't like generic food. It HAS to be chemically equivalent to the branded stuff. There are all sorts of laws about it. The packaging is worse, as is the marketing but packaging and marketing never cured a headache. I hope it clears soon.

I think she's a doctor or something. Thanks for that, peggy. Anyway, She was back again at like 12:25 this morning. Keep in mind that its London time over there so shes across the ocean and stuff. Miku talked to me on IM about the headache too. That was kinda funny. At jazz band I told chad that it was a hangover from all the orange juice i had last nite...citric acid overdose...lmao

Hmmm...speaking of foreign visitors, I was lookin at the map on sitemeter yesterday and we've had visitors from, like, Malaysia, the United Arab Emirites, Vienna, and scotland. Of course. Ummm, oh yeah those robin eggs that were in the nest by my room got eated. :-(
O yeah, we had a band concert last nite. It was pretty good. I think I pulled off a decent solo. After that, we had drumline. Remind me to bring shorts and different shoes the next time we have that situation. I played tenors cuz Marty told me to. Tanner was like, hey, what are you doing, and I was like, well, Marty told me to play quints, so that means you don't get to, BITCH! lol. So he went off and try to play snare drum with traditional grip. Hilarity ensued. Yeah, so that was pretty sweet. I have a buncha new music I gotta tell u about, but I gotta finish me breakfast and get to school. I'll tell y'all about that later. Ciao.


Oh my GOD. I have the worst headache I have ever fucking had. Seriously. It hurts like a bitch. My moms afraid its sum disease, like, menengitis or sumthing that can kill you in like an hour or sumthin. So thats just scarin the shit outta me. I'm not gonna be able to think at all today. AUGH. Jesus i hope that advil starts to kick in soon. its just generic hyvee shit though, so it probably won't. fuckin generic advil making bastards. damn them. damn them to hell.


Okay, 8 minutes till Letterman's on. GO!
Lets see, it's been a while. I have renewed my addiction to the sims and simcity and stuff. I'm playin the sims on the downstairs computer and simcity on the laptop, but the basement one just died so all i can do now is simcity. :-( And thats starting to get a little old. I need to get more excersies. I wanna go skiing, dammit!!! lol. I also wanna go disc golfing. i think they went today, but i couldnt go cuz i had an orchestra thing. I saw heather though, so that was cool. I also saw drew and nile from church. its cool when ur like, oh, hey, i no them and u don't. haha. LOSER!!! i'll probably c heather 2morrow at the band thing 2. lets c...i sorted a bunch of cds. i found a buncha music thats really good that i hadn't heard for a long time. HOLY CRAP A DUTCH LETTER!!!! YUMMMY!!!!!!! Yeah, I like dutch letters. They taste good...
Yeah thats about all I can think of right now. And Letterman's on. More later~~~Ciao.