
Guess what? Finals suck. Seriously. I hate studying. Its so...monotonous.
We took 1/3 of the GCS final today. Its 5% of our final semester grade. We had to draw the world from scratch and label as much as we could. I didn't draw it very well, but I was labeling stuff and I was on a roll. Then I ran out of time. I was pissed. It was like the first time I've run out of time on a test. Grr...o well, better luck next week. I won't be posting much for a couple of weeks, cuz i have finals and studying and stuff until Friday, and then I have druline camp for a few days after that from 9-9. So yea, then call or sumthin and we'll all go disc golfin or sumthin. wOOt.


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