
Friday. The day the big fire got started. Ugh. So yeah, there was a big storm overnight. It kinda kept us up a little bit. Dad woke me up at 3 or so when he was putting everything under the rain fly and in our tent. This is what i look like at 300 in the morning.

I feel pretty...oh so pretty...lol. So yeah. There was a buncha thunder and lightning, and one of the bolts of lightning started the fire. There wasn't all that much rain, but it was enough that I'm glad we had everything under the fly. We had fried potatoes for breakfast. They were really good. We got through the first of two batches, and then our stove started acting like it was out of fuel. Dad and I didn't know what was going on, but just as I was about to start a wood fire, dad took the cap off of the fuel bottle, and I realized that we needed to tip the bottle on its side. hehe. So we covered the sticks with a frisbee (which we had discovered the night before in fact did not float) in case we needed it later, and resumed cookin our taters. Good times. So yeah, after doin dishes and debating for a while about whether or not to go canoeing, since it was still raining a little bit, we decided to head out. We did the same route as the day before, except at Gordon Lake, we turned right and had a huge 140 rod portage to frost lake. I'm glad we did it though, cuz it was worth it. Guess what we found...A nice sandy beach! And nearby, we found the Hilton of campsites...

Not only were there benches, but the benches had backrests. It was pretty amazing. We had a nice lunch of lefsa, peanut butter, trail mix, and kool aid. unforunatley, we had a little friend who was trying to get at some of our food.
A long time ago, my parents were camping. A squirell came along, and he was trying to get at their food. So, to teach him a lesson, as well as giving him some food, they put a bunch of peanut butter on a ritz cracker. The squirell came up and ate it. His mouth was stuck shut, and he didn't bother them again. lol. So we tried that with lefsa and pb. Unfortunatley, the squirrell seemed to already know that trick, and he ran away.
So yeah, we paddled around the lake, and we were expecting the wind, which was pretty strong at that point, to blow us back to the portage. However, right when we left the beach, the wind turned around. It was really weird. Yep. We paddled back to camp and started making dinner. This was when dad first noticed the smoke from the fire. It was pretty funky. We weren't extremely worried at that point though.
Yeah, so then later, after dinner and stuff, I was refilling my water, and a beaver swam by. It was pretty sweet. I didn't even notice until dad told me, lol.
In case your wondering, yes, those dates are wrong. Sorry. Hmmm...yeah, we tied up the food and went to bed. Good times. Tomorrow later.


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