
Ok. Let me try to remember some stuff. We went up the gunflint trail to the outfitter, which was called Tuscarora Outfitters. It was pretty cool. The guy who kinda ran the place was called Andy. His wife, Sue, helped us figure out a route to take one we got into the boundary waters. We slept in a bunk house that night. It was weird, cuz you could fit 12 people there, but the maximum size allowed for a group is 9 people, lol. The beds kinda sucked-the matresses were like the nap mats they have at day care centers, except they were super sized, but not quite enough-so yeah, we didn't sleep all that great. We got up at about 530 or 6 or sumthin and had breakfast at the dining hall. We had french toast. It was amazing. I love french toast. If you ever make me breakfast, make french toast, belgian waffles, ham, eggs, hashbrowns, and maybe regular toast. Its the perfect breakfast...
So yeah after that, we got all our stuff together, went down to the dock, and got started. We had a kevlar canoe, which was cool. Its lightweight material, but its really fragile, so it was kinda annoying to kinda be carful with it during portages and stuff. Here's dad loading the canoe after a portage.
The first day, we went down from the dock down to a 50 rod portage (a rod is 16 1/2 ft.), then went to another little lake kinda thing, then a 40 rodder, then to ham lake. At the end of the lake, there was a 24 rod portage. Then we went down a river to cross bay lake. After that, there was a 55 rod portage to rib lake. At the end of that, there was a 37 to lower george lake, then we wend down karl lake, all the way around the big peninsula, looked for some campsites, and found some people who told us there was an open campsite about a mile away. So we went there, and got camp set up. The total trip, according to Google Earth, was just over 9 miles. we did it in about 10 or 11 hours. We were going pretty slow, cuz we didnt know what we were doing, lol.Our campsite. To the left is some benches surrounding the campfire/stove area, kind of right/center is our pile of stuff with a rain tarp over it, and in the background is our tent.
So yeah, wet up camp, and got some water boiling, and the stove started. We had this instant freeze dried chicken rice stuff. It was pretty good. I think I had the sweet and sour chicken thing, and it looked like this.It was pretty good. Very filling. Ummm...yea so we ate, then went off into the woods do clean up the dishes, and went to look for a good try to tie up our food in so the bears wouldnt get to it. We found an acceptable one, but we had a hell of a time trying to get the rope over the branch. It took like an hour. Dad got it stuck, and we just left it there, tied the bag to it, and tied it to another tree. None of the bears got to it. Here's a pic of dad trying to get the rope into the tree. So yeah, then we went back and went to sleep. I slept kind of ok. I'll write about the next day 2morrow.


Blogger Peggy said...

Amazing blog entry Dan! You rock! Can't wait for the next installment!

1:46 PM  

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