
Oh sweet JESUS im tired. I was up till like 11:15 doing math and other crap. And now I've got jazz band. Man, I can not wait until spring break. Or the ski trip. Or summer. *Sigh.* I have figured out the goal for the rest of the year. I'm going to finish my eagle project, then get a job, and then upgrade my whole music system. Im gonna get a new bass, probably a 5 string, and a new amp, hopefully at least a 2x10. (2-10" speakers+450 watts=holy crap. sweet.) I'm also hopin to get cubase SE, which is some recording software, and some monitors. If we decide to go all out, we may get something like this or this. That will take a while to get all that crap, though. Lets see, the total for all that stuff would be around...between $1450 ($140 bass, $350 amp, Cubase, $100 monitors, and the first link (above), and $9975 ($5575 bass, $1600 amp, Cubase, $1400 monitors, and the second link.) I'm thinkin its gonna b more like the first price. Talk at ya later.


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