
Ok. Blogger is being kinda gay. It's not letting me post any photos. U no wat else is gay? CDs. You can only put 80 minutes worth of music on a single CD!?! Can you believe that? I have 2.4 hours worth of rehearsal that I need to get on a CD. There are two parts, and the shorter one is 59:44 long. And I only have 4 CDS left. And 3 people to give it to. And I would need...12 CDs total. Thats like 10 bucks. Thats what else is gay. Fuck it. WE HAVE NO SYRUP!!! I WANTED PANCAKES BUT WE HAVE NO SYRUP!!!! NOOOO!!!!!. Watever. I'll make 'em tomorow. Lets see. Its like the high point of tax season right now. For those of you who don't know what that is and what it means, ill tell u. All the income taxes and shit are due to the IRS on April 15. The IRS is just about the most hated organization in the world. But watever. Anyway, my dad is a tax accountant, so he has to check peoples tax returns and make corrections and file them and do all other sorts of crazy shit. I don't even know what the hell he's doin there. But he gets up at 4:30 and usually doesn't get home till like 8 or sumthing. But after April 15, we get lots....of....$$$......muahahahahaha..... Anyway, he has like 3 blogs that he's doing now. His work blog, which is ranked 4045th on the Truth Laid Bear ecosystem, his personal blog, Joe Says So, which is ranked 13108th, and our family blog, 50265. That one's not ranked, lol. Just so you know, there are 53024 blogs ranked on the ecosystem. So he's not doing too bad. Anyway, he has recently taken up the position of guest host of the "A Cheguer-Board of Nights and Days" blog. AAAHHH!!!! IT SMELLS LIKE MUFFINS!!!! AHHHGHH!!!! MUST GO EAT MUFFINS!!!!!
While I'm away eating muffins, check out my MYSPACE.


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