
Ok. Blogger is being kinda gay. It's not letting me post any photos. U no wat else is gay? CDs. You can only put 80 minutes worth of music on a single CD!?! Can you believe that? I have 2.4 hours worth of rehearsal that I need to get on a CD. There are two parts, and the shorter one is 59:44 long. And I only have 4 CDS left. And 3 people to give it to. And I would need...12 CDs total. Thats like 10 bucks. Thats what else is gay. Fuck it. WE HAVE NO SYRUP!!! I WANTED PANCAKES BUT WE HAVE NO SYRUP!!!! NOOOO!!!!!. Watever. I'll make 'em tomorow. Lets see. Its like the high point of tax season right now. For those of you who don't know what that is and what it means, ill tell u. All the income taxes and shit are due to the IRS on April 15. The IRS is just about the most hated organization in the world. But watever. Anyway, my dad is a tax accountant, so he has to check peoples tax returns and make corrections and file them and do all other sorts of crazy shit. I don't even know what the hell he's doin there. But he gets up at 4:30 and usually doesn't get home till like 8 or sumthing. But after April 15, we get lots....of....$$$......muahahahahaha..... Anyway, he has like 3 blogs that he's doing now. His work blog, which is ranked 4045th on the Truth Laid Bear ecosystem, his personal blog, Joe Says So, which is ranked 13108th, and our family blog, 50265. That one's not ranked, lol. Just so you know, there are 53024 blogs ranked on the ecosystem. So he's not doing too bad. Anyway, he has recently taken up the position of guest host of the "A Cheguer-Board of Nights and Days" blog. AAAHHH!!!! IT SMELLS LIKE MUFFINS!!!! AHHHGHH!!!! MUST GO EAT MUFFINS!!!!!
While I'm away eating muffins, check out my MYSPACE.


ITS SNOWING!!!! And i got summa those pics up. Here we go:

Thats the cool one I was talkin about yesterday.

ARGH! This thing is being retarded. It won't let me post any more. Oh well, at least I got that one. More 2nite mab.


HEY!!!!! SPRING BREAK HAS BEGUN!!! FUCKIN A RIGHT IT HAS!!!!! So we had band practice last nite at Jasons, and 2nite at my house. And both times it was pretty sweet. Ryan wasn't there last nite, but he was here 2nite. So we decided wat we are doing for the talent show: Lights and Sounds by Yellowcard. Its a pretty cool song, it has a decent bass line, watever. We were gonna record the whole practice, but the computer crashed halfway through. So I gotta remember to save it more often. And hang the mic on the other side of the basement. Cuz its clippin. Like, real bad. Oh yeah, I forgot-Nick cornelison was here. It was cool. Lets c...Alex stabbed like 10 holes in my ceiling, watever. lol. Lets see...oooh my dad got a really sweet new digital camera and he was takin sum pictures and he got it right when i was like...o man, it was so cool. I'll post it when he gets the software and stuff installed. I am in the process of pimpin out my room by posting a whole buncha pictures of basses and bassists, and i'll get a picture of that up here too. We're havin practice here again 2morrow nite, so i'll get sum pictures of that, and we'll rock out sum more. Until then, have a nice Monday night. And Tuesday morning. And afternoon. And early evening. (We're havin practice @ 7) ยง


Hey, Happy St. Patty's Day a day late everybody. In the immortal words of blue man group, we're all wasted. Actually we're not. But we wish we were. lol. Lets see. I went to the big parade downtown. That was pretty fun. I got a good pocketfull of candy. It was cool. I take bass lessons in the building I was watching in front of (the temple for performing arts), and I was gonna go upstairs and watch from up there, but I wouldn't have gotten any candy that way. lol. I discovered my secret talent the other day. I have discovered that I was born to be either a bassist, an audio engineer, or...a baker. :-). Ttyl. We got band practice 2morrow...


Wow. I just realized that we had our 100th visitor yesterday. And it was...me. lol. We had a visitor from the fine city of Guayaquil, Guayas, Ecuador on March 6. Its pretty cool. We also had a visitor from Oakleigh, Victoria, Australia back on February 20. So its pretty cool. You can find all this stuff at the site meter page for my site. The link is at the bottom of this page.


Holy Shit. What a crazy couple of days. Lets see...yesterday we had band practice. We watched a video of Moby Dick by Led Zeppelin. I can't find it right now, otherwise i would link to it. Its like 15 minutes long. I downloaded it. Anyway, we played hypnotize by System of a Down. It was pretty sweet. We did that a couple times. At the first part, I'm gonna play my bass w/ a drum stick, then at the crazy part i'll throw it into the crowd. Hells yea. Hm...yeah so that was pretty sweet...i dunno how were gonna do the vocals though. So then I got home, and took a shower like any other night, right? nope. I'm adjusting the nozzle/showerhead or w/e, and all of a sudden I hear like a thump kinda noise and the water pressure. So i'm like, watever, i'll go to the other bathroom. and then my mom comes up and shes like dan turn of the shower right now. so im like ok...and she tells me to go look downstairs. and i go down and theres this huge puddle of water on the floor in the middle of the kitchen and theres water dripping down from the light on the ceiling. two of the bulbs were out, but two were still lit. underwater. under orange water. so i got a bucket and put it under there. and my mom woke my dad up. and....o yea we drained the hot orange water from the lite. it wasnt very cool. in fact, it was pretty warm. we turned off the switch and i climbed on a chair and kinda lifted the thing up a little bit and like 150 degree water starts comin out of this thing. not fast enough to scald me at once...no. i takes like 2 minutes for it to all drain out. and of course it misses the bucket. so now we have hot orange dusty rusty shower wall ceiling lamp water all over the fuckin floor. so my dad got some old tshirts and we all went to bed. and my mom called some folks what specialize in that kinda shit and they sed the water was leakin through the walls and into the lite fixture in the kitchen. so were gonna replace that shower, and suma the other bathroom, and were gonna refuckup the kitchen. so yea. now its the weekend. and i had a good donut 4 breakast. so its all good. and i just played drums. so its all good. and we just went to centro. so its all good. and im readin this really funny book, brain droppings, but george carlin. ive been laughin my ass off for a couple days not. its pretty good. except when the ceiling turns orange. but its good now. fin.


Oh sweet JESUS im tired. I was up till like 11:15 doing math and other crap. And now I've got jazz band. Man, I can not wait until spring break. Or the ski trip. Or summer. *Sigh.* I have figured out the goal for the rest of the year. I'm going to finish my eagle project, then get a job, and then upgrade my whole music system. Im gonna get a new bass, probably a 5 string, and a new amp, hopefully at least a 2x10. (2-10" speakers+450 watts=holy crap. sweet.) I'm also hopin to get cubase SE, which is some recording software, and some monitors. If we decide to go all out, we may get something like this or this. That will take a while to get all that crap, though. Lets see, the total for all that stuff would be around...between $1450 ($140 bass, $350 amp, Cubase, $100 monitors, and the first link (above), and $9975 ($5575 bass, $1600 amp, Cubase, $1400 monitors, and the second link.) I'm thinkin its gonna b more like the first price. Talk at ya later.