

NOOOOO!!!!! DAMN YOU, STING RAY!!! Sorry. I hardly ever watch that show anyway. O well. lol
So yeah, I don't especially wanna go to school today. It is the best day of the week though. My only real classes are geometry and biology. And I have lunch with heather, lynda, sean, and tia...at which we will discuss the dinner situation for homecoming. woohoo. Uh, i cleaned a whole buncha windows this weekend. Good times. I gotta clean the insides upstairs....i'll get around to that sumtime. The 3 day weekend was nice tho. I think the rents owe me about 50 bucks or so. AND there was this really sweet bass...that I was gonna get...but it the bid ended at like 920 in the morning....and we thought it was PM....and we couldn't find the buy button...probably cuz it ended at 920...in the morning. O well. I have no fewer basses than I did before. Actually, the old one is in ye olde shop cuz the tuning pegs were falling off. Not ye olde guitar shop. There actually is a store in town called that. Im talkin pro music center. yeah...


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