
What was that?????

Oh. My. God. Dowling. Beat. Valley. 24-14. I think I'm going to cry. So yeah, I'm pretty pissed. That's the first time Valley has been beat in this new stadium. Um...yea. So we marched yesterday at the game...and then I had to help clean up the stadium after the game. Holy crap, you have no idea how much garbage there is. It's rediculous. So yea, we were there until about midnight. My leg cramped up kinda bad...I dunno why. I chugged a mountain dew....And I lost my voice. I dunno why. I was only screaming for like 10 minutes. Huh. So yeah, I put in a 19 hour day yesterday. I should sleep later, but I can't. My eyes are bugging me. It's kinda pissing me off. F***ing allergies.

I got all my songs back. Thats a plus. Now I have to work on getting more songs. I've got a list of 28 songs i wanna get...and I can only get 3 a week. So I'm pretty much set until...Christmas. Or something. I'll find more songs newa. Uh, good song, Reach for the Sky by Social Distortion. Good stuff.

Lets see, homecoming is in 2 weeks. We still haven't decided where to go. First we were gonna all eat at my place, but we decided not to, cuz we'd have to do dishes. I kinda wanna do macaroni grill, heather was saying something about biaggis, lynda wants to do cheesecake factory, and I think sean mabye sed something about cosi cucina. I think they need to have more restaurants downtown. So yeah, we gotta figure that out. And...they got dresses. I forgot to ask what color heather's was. She's really shy...and I couldn't think of anything to say...besides, i'm gonna go get something to eat...lol. Hopefully she'll loosen up a bit by homecoming. O man, I can't wait...

Um, so yeah, schools been happening. We marched the halls yesterday, that was hella fun. Um, the rest was kinda just school, u don't really need to hear about it. Drumline party at caleb's yesterday...that was pretty sweet...watever.

Yeah, i'm gonna try to go back to sleep. Either that or look for the ipod charger. Tell me if you've seen it.


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