

Oh, my, god. The last couple days have been amazing. Where to start? Lets see...when did I do my last post...Friday. Morning. Ok, so we'll start Friday. I got up at 545 or something, and got a ride in from the next door neighbor, Kathryn. Pretty uneventful. The music, as far as I remember, sucked. We listened to bittersweet symphony by the verve a couple days ago. its a decent song. so yeah, we had marchmasters, it kinda sucked. after that, we put our drums in the cases for the assembly after school, and I found a drum 1 head. which is the one that i had broken. so yeah, i left it in there, and changed it at the game...more on that later. so yeah, we had school, which went normal until 6th period. we had jazz band (a music theory lesson) for 14 minutes, and technically we had 7th and 8th period too for 14 minutes, but i didn't go to them cuz i had to get ready for the assembly. yea. it was pretty sweet. our drums got to school from the stadium late, but we still made it. we played the cadences and bunco for a while, and then we just sat down and watched the assmebly. i saw tia and heather and waved at them. yep. they announced the homecoming candidates, or more like reannounced them, and i didn't know any of them , so I didn't care. their skit was kinda lame, as was the teachers. band played a bit. it was pretty cool. then we circled up and that one dude (the really awesome one who is like the drumline official fan club) danced. we played rusty, then we packed our drums into the cases and put em on the truck and went home. actually, i hung out with a few people, talked miku in to thinking it was bobby's birthday, and got her to write a card for him. and then i went home, lol. i cleaned up the haus a bit, then we went to the game. I changed the head, and it was very nice. it went wayyy out of tune that nite, but we retuned it on saturday. it was much better than the broken one anyway. i thought we did really good. we nailed the drum break. here's a pic of the band.
Yep. We won. I think the score was like 29-7 or something. It was pretty sweet. So we hung out, and I had Mt. Dew, cheese pizza, and twizzlers. It kinda sucked cuz Heather wasn't there, but it was still ok. I carried my drum head around, and when I got home, I hang it on my wall.

Yay! The crack is on the right side. If you click on the pic, u can c it better. So yeah, then Saturday morning, I got up at 545 again, which really really really sucked. I hate band. But not really. Mabye. I went to southwoods to change and have donuts, and then we got on the bus and went to Johnston. When we got there, Mancer showed up, and he tuned all our drums. We warmed up for about an hour cuz we were the first band to perform. Then we relaxed a little bit before playing. When we played, it was not fun at all. It was really windy, and our plumes were making our hats fly all over the place. My strap wasn't tight enuf, so it came off my head like 5 times and I had to fix it. It was really annoying. We sounded good, but I think we would have marched a lot better, at least I would have, if my hat hadn't been so distracting. So yeah, then we had a little bit of a seminar kinda thing, and we went back to southwoods, and went home.

I started off by mowing the lawn and stuff. It looked pretty good. Then I cleaned the house a bunch, took a shower, this part is boring, we were gonna go to promusic center and pick up my bass, we didn't have time, and sean got there.
Then everybody got there. It was pretty cool. Everybody met everybody, I met her parents, it was all good.
We exchanged flowers, and the one she gave me was really pretty. We took a buncha pictures, and she looked really beautiful. I thought that tie was pretty snazzy too...and her sister sez my hair is as long as heathers...?So it was really hot inside our house, I dunno why, so we went outside. After everybody met Bobby.
Everybody looked pretty good.
So yeah, after that, dad took us over to the restaurant, Trattoria, in the sexy minivan. It was a fun ride over, lots of funtimes bumps in the road. Not even a figure of speech. The road actually went something like ___/------\______ that. WHEE!! Yea it was pretty sweet. So we get to the restaurant, and there's like a huge buncha people from California or somewhere is sitting right in the front of the restaurant, and when we come in, they're all like, AWWWWW and OOOHHHH!! and one looked at me and she's like, sexy!! and i'm like, aallright....except i wasnt, cuz i was busy trying to get to the back of the restaurant as fast as i could. So yeah, we got there, and it was pretty tiny. They had the weirdest drink menu I had ever seen. They had RC and Mr. Pibb and 7Up and Diet RC. Pretty strange. So yeah, dinner was really fun. I had this penne thing that was kinda like lasagna, but it was cooler. And a bit more spicy. We talked about a buncha stuff, sean didn't know what probation was, or a buncha other stuff. We came to the conclusion that he had been living in a cave for the past 15 years. Still, he talked. A lot. A LOT. And he talked pretty loud, too, lol. It was kinda dark, and kinda quiet, so I didn't wanna take 2 many pictures, and the one I did take didn't turn out very well. Mostly cuz Heather wasn't in it, lol.

After dinner, we had dessert. Me and Heather got this chocolate puff truffle sumthing thing. It was very delicious. Then we left the restaurant and waited for my dad to pick us up to take us the half mile to Hyvee hall. We saw a few guys playing guitar on the corner across the street, so we went to check them out, but when we got there we realized that they weren't...actually that good. So we just kinda kept walking, lol. Then we turned around and kept waiting for my dad. We decided that we should just go in Kyles car, so I check to make sure it's ok with my dad, and of course it wasn't, so we had to wait and endure some really annoying 7th graders party boying the car. Then I flipped them off and they went away. :-) So yeah, then we got back into the sexy minivan and went to the place. It was only like 730 when we got there, so we just chilled for a while, I say Cory, he thought Heather was a freshman, then complimented me when I told him she was a junior, alright. I just choked on my breakfast. Yay. So yeah, nothin much happened again until we got into the dance. I think I danced better as the night progressed. I think the first dance was amazed, by lonestar. Erica couldn't figure out how to take a picture, so I had to do it for her.
She figured it out right as the song ended.

So yeah, in between all the slow dances, of which there were about 4 or 5, there was a whole buncha drama. It was rediculous. I spelled that wrong again, didn't I mom? So yeah, sean wanted to know if Lynda liked him, and I already knew she didn't really, but I didn't wanna hurt his feelings, so I pretended to go ask, and then we told him, and he didn't get it, and we told him a couple more times, and he still didn't get it, and then Lynda told him, and I think he mighta started to get it. While this is going on, we find out that Erica actually does like Sean. So we tell him he should just dance with Erica and then everybody would be happy. We told him, 2 chicks in one night, man, thats not a bad thing to be dealing with. But no, then he wanted to know why Lynda didn't like him like that. She couldn't figure it out, so Sean pretty much stuck with her right to the end. So yeah, at about 10 or so, I think, Sean starts trying to get me to ask Heather out. He told me that her sister and everybody had told him that I should. So i told him, when you dance with Erica, I will. But then I realized that was never gonna happen. Unfortunatley for her. I also think I might have been spelling her name wrong this whole time. If so, sorry. So newa, he's like, ask her now! Ask her now! for like 10 minutes. And it started getting really annoying. Eventually it got to the point where we were standing right in front of them, and hes chanting, and Heather's like, what are you guys talking about? So i'm kinda muttering a bit, and then I'm thinking, well shit, I can't put this off too much longer...and i asked her. and she sed yes!! again!! YAYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So sorry ladies, dan is now taken. :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
Yep. So then i went to get a juice or sumhing, and sean tells me that as soon as I turned away, she started jumping up and down and stuff. EEEEEEEE!!! Yep. So yeah, I was pretty psyched. So we kept dancing, and we got our pictures taken, and on the last song, she forgot her shoes at the table so she just stood on my feet. :-) It was pretty sweet. I just wish I had gotten a picture of that one. I had a helluva time. Aaand...so yeah, I was bummed when it was over...they played sexyback twice, which really pissed me off. OOOHHH yeah and the glow sticks....apperantly they were leaking all over the floor or sumthing so Mr. Phomvisay comes up to the DJ Booth and sez, Hello, we've had an accident with the glow sticks, so could you please bring them to the exits? And everybody just starts chucking them at him and at the doors and stuff. It was really friggin hilarious. What else did I forget to say...oh yeah, Tia and Kyle ditched each other, that was kinda too bad. Umm yeah i think thats about it. At the end of the dance we got our picture taken by sum dude.
I don't even know who a few of those people are, lol. Like the pair in front, and the person on the right, no clue. But yeah, then we went outside, and took tia home, and me and heather listened to sum music in the back seat, and we got to there house, and I had to tell sean to walk lynda to the door, and we did, and it was really awesome. On the way home, sean was trying to figure out why lynda didn't like him, and he was like, it's not like I didn't talk to her...and it was everything I could do to not crack up. But yeah, we took him home, and that pretty much concluded the homecoming activites. And then sunday happened. But i'll write about that later. Amen. :-D


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