
Well, this isn't my longest interval ever...still, it seems like its been a long time...and I apologize in advance for any overuse in smileys in this entry. Its gonna be a rough one. Here we go:
SONOFABITCH!!! Nicole pretty much dumped me last night. Like we were even going out. Oh, wait. She didn't have the balls to do it herself. So she sent her friend to do the "dirty work." Why did I have a feeling that this wouldn't work out? Damn. Well, I'm free now. lol. I wrote a few lines for a song we're workin on for the band. They don't rhyme with each other...or anything...but I think we might get them in somewhere...mabye....
I thought of a song that pretty much is the soundtrack to my life right now. I cut out a chunk of it, but here's the good part:

...trying to hold on, but didn't even know
Wasted it all just to watch you go
I kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart
What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when

I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn't even matter

On a more happy note, I've got the church play comin up this weekend. I'm runnin the lites. I might post some pictures of it...if my dad ever finds is friggin digital camera...
So yeah its pretty cool. We have all the lites hung and the light board is set up and the broken dimmers have been fixed and we have rehearsal tonite, and the dress rehearsal is thursday.

So yeah. I dunno.

\/\/() ®|) ?


aright. so we got the lites hung today 4 the play at my church. and I got a myspace a couple days ago. i have one frined. and tom. lol. Right here. definitley worth chekin out. send me a message, and/or a friend request. lol. so...wat else...gotta make a map of europe...word. i betta get workin...


O man. 2 weeks since last post. And boy, had it been a crazy go nuts 2 weeks. Lets see, whats happened...seahawks got beat by steelers...that kinda sucks. Man, that was a long time ago. Nothing really happened after that until the jazz band trip. That was pretty fun. I got to miss everything except english and band on friday, and we left...about a 2 hour trip out to council bluffs. The hotel was right next to another hotel which was right next to a casino. So buxbaum went over there and got some cards. We caught the olympics just in time to see that creepy mohawk dude take off his clothes. So we switched to comedy central and watched this guy who was actually pretty funny. He was like, "OK. SO in New orleans, there was stuff that was on fire, floating in the water. Water puts fire out. So thats not supposed to happen. When there is fire on water, that is God's way of saying GET THE FUCK OUT!!!!!" omg. It was pretty funny. I guess you had to be there... And we went swimming....that was fun. I had to room with Sean, John Fox, and Aaron. SO we didnt get to sleep until like 330. And I got up at 7 to take a shower. We discussed camping, Aaron's freedom, and the nutritional benifits of sperm. (I think it has protein or sumthing.) :-/ So in the morning we got on the bus and went to the Smithsonian exhibit at some museum on latin jazz. Pretty boring. But watever, I got to play claves. And watch Tanner and Jason fight like a married couple. Just like last nite. lol. We went to the Abraham Lincoln high school, and won our division. It was cool. I had a solo, and it was pretty good. Not original, but good. So we got back at about 4:45, and i got home about 5. And then came the best part: the dance
I had like half an hour to shower, shave, change clothes, and just generally clean myself up. I think I looked pretty good except for my hair. I seriously need a haircut. It was weird cuz it usualy gets messed up when I'm sleeping, but I didn't sleep and I had just taken a shower. I dunno. But we left and picked up Adam and then we went over to Nicole's house where her and lizel were. (the chick in the left of that picture is inga, who was my dance partner in pe last year) We went in and nicole looked freakin AMAZING. Really really really really nice. And I guess lizel looked pretty good too. lol. But my date was Nicole. Which was awesome. OO and Nicole gave me a flower! And i didn't give her one. And I felt like a jackass. O man. Hold on a few minutes while I reflect on how awesome that was. And stare at that picture for another, like 10 minutes... Ok that was cool. I downloaded some franz ferdinand. And stared at that picture for a while. *Insert sigh of contentment here* OK. So my dad drove us all to Noah's Ark. That was a good time. Lizel did like 95% of the talking. I tried to tell some stories about the jazz band trip, like how I smashed my thumb, but lizel didn't like them. So we listened to her some more. Lol. It took like 45 minutes to get the pizza we ordered, but once we got it, it was really good. After the pizza, me and Nicole shared a chocolate cake. Which was also really good. Ok, so after dinner my dad took us to hy-vee hall. It was pretty sweet, cuz when we were walkin to the place, we found a cell phone and then 20 bucks on the ground. We left the fone but I picked up the 20. I was kinda lookin at it, like, wtf am I gonna do with this? If i keep it, im gonna go to hell...but i want it...but then lizel took it, so I didn't have to worry about it anymore. lol. So we went in and they checked their coats, and we went into the place. This was the first time I had been in hy-vee hall. Its pretty cool I guess. The people from jolesch took pictures us as a couple, and then lizel and adam as a couple (link is up there), and then everybody...as a...douple? I dunno, Adam looked pretty stoned in that one...and lizel looked pretty funky...lol. Lets see...they went to the bathroom right away...and we went to the bathroom (the mens one) and we came out and waited for them for like 10 minutes but we just hadn't seen them already leave and go back out to the dance floor ~ lol. So yeah it was kinda weird cuz they kept runnin away from us but then we caught up with them and kinda stuck together. It was cool. We found them right around the second slow song, so I asked Nicole to dance, and she sed yes, and we did. And God said it was good. Probably. And so we danced for like 4 more I think. Its kinda sad cuz the only song I remember them playing is "Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy," and we didn't even dance to that one. I guess I was high on...life. So yeah... After the dance, we took everybody home. I forgot my ettiquetee??? manners when we dropped the ladies off...i just kinda folded my knees up on the seat, and then when nicole was like tryin to climb over me, I came to my senses and i was like, "hmm, I should probably get out, ya?" and my dad was like, yeah get out of the car dumass and me and adam got out and sorta watched 'em walk to the door...and like stood in the driveway. and then we dropped off adam, and went home and went to bed. and the next day...nothing happened. really nothing notable has happened since then. I went to noah's ark again for dinner, and nicole hasn't gotten on im for like a month, so I think im gonna email her if I finish my homework before, like, 1 in the morning. ok, talk at ya tomorrow. mabye. pray for a snow day...


Ok, I hate math. Still. lol. I'm bored and I hav nothing to do cuz she's not on, and I know I should be practicing or somthing, but I'm just too damn tired. You know what? I'm gonna do something crazy and go to bed before like 11. and get more than 7 hours of sleep. Actually...If i really tried...I could get almost 9 hours...Lets see. The earliest I could probably get to bed now would be...945 or 10. And i'm getting up at 6:40. So that works out to...(5 minute pause)...like, over 8 1/2 hours!!! Holy crap!!! That's like, unheard of except on weekends. Do you think I should take that compatibilyitayaty (?) test? I think the results might scare me. Plus its like 2 bucks. Which I could put into the maby buying her dinner and/or tickets and/or flowers. Man, she hasn't been on IM in a long time. I'll try to talk to her in band tomorrow. Again. :-/