
Well, that was silly.

What a week. Hot damn. Anyway, now that that's over, I'd like to share a couple things with you. First of all: my favorite songs I discovered this week. In no particular order:

1. Her Morning Elegance, by Oren Lavie. I was first introduced to this song by Dark Roasted Blend, one of my favorite blogs. They called the music video one of the most beautiful music videos ever made. It's up there. I'd definitely recommend checking it out. It's on youtube.

2. If I Had a Boat, by Lyle Lovett. Just a damn good song. I was getting into a bit of a country mood later in the week, so I made a Lyle Lovett station on Pandora, and this came on, and I like it very much. The video is ridiculous, Lovett has a terrible haircut. Not recommended. Do find the song on tinysong or skreemr or something.

3. Sitting Here in Limbo, by Jerry Garcia and David Grisman. It's from the Grateful Dawg, soundtrack. Only place I could find it was iTunes. Good stuff.

Finally, I saw found this just now. I think it's pretty funny. It is a humor article, so keep that in mind. It'd just be dumb if you didn't. 


An inventory of things which are on my desk

From top left to bottom right: a lamp on top of a case of blank dvds, several notecards with research from a research project for advanced composition, my hat, some fingernail clippers, 2 cassette tape cases, my senior pictures, an empty tin of dansk cookies, a burnt out beeswax candle on a plate, a stapler, some postit notes, a ski lift ticket, an old picture of myself, a calculator, a pamphlet from IU's Jacobs School of Music, an American roots music documentary dvd, a richard thompson dvd, the fiddler on the roof soundtrack cd, an orange composition book, several mailings from colleges, the national guard, etc., a W-9, a transcript request receipt, another few notecards, instructions for filing the W-9, a pair of broken earbuds, a comb with a long handle, a hotel keycard, a list of things to do my mom made me, a telephone, a interest form for this year's jazz band trip, 4 AA batteries, a napkin, a very short 1/4" to RCA adapter, a red whiteboard marker, a purple comb, two pens, the other American roots music documentary dvd case, Bass Player magazine, my retainers, the pirates of the caribbean 2 dvd case, the CSX Corporation 2007 annual report, the laptop, my digital recorder, and a christmas card from my cousins and aunt and uncle in Chicago.



1. Pre-Calc - Loge
2. AP Theory - Peters
3. Independent Lit. Survey - Perry
4. Orchestra - Peters
C Lunch
5. Physics - Petersen
6. Jazz Band - Turner/Kobberdahl
7. Economics - Novelli
8. Sr PE Track 3 - Cibula (Black)

¿Qué tenemos?


To Read

Fooled by Randomness-Nassim Nicholas Taleb
1776-David McCullough
John Adams-David McCullough
The Great Gatsby-F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Gulag Archipelago-Alexander Solzhenitsyn
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich-Alexander Solzhenitsyn (Finished)
Freakanomics-Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner
The Mole People-
Jennifer Toth
1984-George Orwell
The Wealth of Nations-Adam Smith
War of the Worlds-HG Wells
Swiss Family Robinson-Johann David Wyss
Dharma Bums-Jack Kerouac
Catch-22-Joseph Heller
Walden-Henry David Thoreau
Another Roadside Attraction-Tom Robbins
Einstein-Ronald Clark
Into the Wild-Jon Krakauer
Rough Riders-Theodore Roosevelt
George Washington: The Founding Father-Paul Johnson

That oughta hold me over for a couple days.


Happy New Year!

Well, here it is, 2009. 2008 was alright I guess. I remember feeling euphoric exactly one time. The rest wasn't bad though. We all made it, didn't we? Hope you had a good evening just there. I myself spent the night with several of my very favorite people in the whole damn world, doing my favorite stuff. Started out at Cafe Su playing a gig with Pravis and Viku, made a bit of cash money, went home to drop my whatsit off, went to pick up just about my very favorite person in the world, went with her to Matt's shindig, that was fun, great buncha people there, went back to Heather's, hang out with her and Lynda and Jenna and Kyle 'til about one, felt really hyper all of a sudden, had some chocolate and pretzels, and decided to write another of of these stream-of-consciousness-type posts. So, there you are. I guess I haven't really made resolutions so much as told myself to do stuff, and I'll try to follow that as much as I can. I am going to wear my retainer more this year, I think 5 out of 7 nights of the week, with no two consecutive nights off. It was getting bad towards the end of the year there. I hope to ride my bike more this year. After college auditions, when it warms up, I won't be needing to haul my bass back and forth from school every day, so I'll do some then. Heather and I are planning on this big 30 mile tour of Des Moines. Should be pretty cool. I'd question if we'd be able to do it, but I did 50 miles one day a few years ago, so I think we'll be alright. Especially if she gets a new bike. I've also decided to start tagging people in these notes. I hope to get more sleep this year. I'm going to try to swear less. That's about it for the resolutions, I guess.  These pretzels are good. I've recently been getting more into tasting fine chocolates. I wish I had more money. I hope all these trios and combos and bands and everything work out. I have fun with all of them-Saturn V, Zen Distortion, Saturn V Trio, Joey, when I get to play with them, and everybody else. It's weird to think that this time next year, I'll be halfway through my first year of college. This growing up thing sure is nuts, isn't it? I do wish the drinking age was 18. Feels kind of silly drinking sparkling grape juice on New Years eve. I mean, not that I'm 18 anyway, it's just...the powers at be would be more likely to let me have a bit of something. Hope stuff works out better for Wuli this year. My phone must be a cat, I think. It's pretty close to shot, though. I've killed it at least 5 or 6 times...getting up there. I had been hot earlier, but now I'm cold. I need to work on time management and whatnot. If you receive a check on December 31st 2008 but don't cash it until January 1st or 2nd 2009, does it go on your tax return for 08 or 09? Do you remember the old elementary school phrase "I after E except after C"? Do you remember the old elementary school? I think it would be a bummer, but an interesting bummer to work on New Year's eve. They should take a break from the law and stuff for a couple hours between like 11 and 1. But not tell anybody. So it wouldn't be complete mayhem, but the coppers could have the night off. Did you hear about that one time? Yeah, me neither. I think I'm going to have more chocolate. Goodnight. Good day. Good year.