Current Position: 10:39/London: 1:39/Chicago:7:39
Well, my iPod lasted me to now, which I do believe signifies that I simply must obtain a new one sometime in the future. We are at some point south of Greenland, and are expected to arrive in Chicago in about 5 more hours. Then we have a five hour layover, and be home by 7, at which point I will obtain some apple cider. The bust ride to the airport was pretty dull, lots of sleeping happened. We got to the airport and hung out and had breakfast for a while. I wanted a PB+Honey on a cinnamon raisin bagel, but they didn't have any peanut butter, so I had ham and cheese on a plain. Then I went to the shop and got an Oasis and a Lilt. Tasty. Also had a caramel mocha at Starbucks. Wanted cider, but they didn't have it. On the plane, I wanted root beer, but they didn't have any so I had Pepsi. It has been a 2nd choice day so far aha. We had Penne pasta with Pesto chichen for lunch on the plane. It was pretty good. There's supposed to be some type of afternoon snack later. Yum? I shaved last night, but not very well because you could either get hot water or cold water--nothing in between. I will have a proper shave when I am home. I have reached page 197 in my book that I am reading, I can think of no more to say at this point so I will go to sleep now.
The End.
The End.