

Leaving Warwick.
Ah, I have a sore throat. Feels like shit. So, last night, I got a shower and stuff. Owen, Linda's son, came home with a couple mates. He had a studio in the room next to mine, and we jammed for a bit. I started playing bass, but turned it over to him, and payed the little electric drumset. It was kind of fun, but really awkward. They kept asking if I knew a bunch of stuff which I didn't-Pixies, Tenacious D, stuff like that. I managed to hack a bit of it out. Went to bed around 10:45, journaled that bit, and goe'd to sleep. I slept beautifully, like a dang baby. Emily woke me up at 7:53, with happy birthday. So that was fun. Went downstairs and had a small breakfast - yogurt, shortbread, apple crisps, and orange juice. We left the house and left an Iowa book, a card, and a couple CDs, and went back to the church place. Everybody prayed, and we got on the bus again to go to Warwick. It was pretty cool, I remembered some of it. We went in the "haunted" part, which wasn't that scary. It was kind of cool though. We played frisbee on the lawn in the courtyard, which was fun, until we got kicked off. Then we climbed the big tower -- Guy's tower, I think, and that was a nice view. 530 steps. Later we went to play frisbee somewhere else, and got juice. Then we went to see the trebuchet. There was a short lecture, during which I developed my sore throat, about the procedure and how they would have used it in battle and stuff. Then they shot it off. It was pretty cool. Except I had a sore throat. After that, a bunch of us went to get lunch at a chinese restaurant. I had spring rolls and chicken with vegetables. It was quite tasty. Then we went back to the coach, and I think we're going back to the church again. I dunno. I wanna sleep.


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