
6/8/08 07:30

After they got the frisbees, Drew asked a lady in the street where we could get some chocolate. She directed us to a newsstand kinda place and we all got 2 or 3 bars of chocolate each. Then we went and sat on the steps in front of the YMCA and ate it. I had an Aero bar, which is like chocolate with little air bubble inside-kinda weird, but it tastes good. We all decided we wanted Italian for dinner, so we went down some steps to the next street down-Bath has a cool layout kindof, it's built on a hill. We went into the first Italian restaurant we found. We ordered without too much incident. Drew, Wesley, Spencer, Colin, and Neil all Shared some pizzas, and Patrick and I got our own pastas. I had Orichette del Casa, which was Orichette pasta, meatballs, and some kind of tomato sauce. Towards the end of the meal, things started to get interesting. The bus girl or whatever started to come around to get our plates. She had a little tie. Drew said, "I like your tie." She kept doing what she was doing for a minute, then said "What?" kind of angrily. Drew said, "Nothing,. I was just saying I like your tie." Then being the dumbass he was, he just called Wesley his nickname, "Pretty Kitty," right as the girl walked behind him. The lady thought he was talking to her, and she quickly went upstairs. We all knew we were in trouble as soon as she did and gave Drew all kinds of crap about it. Sure enough, in a minute, the manager came down (they had put us in the basement because the restaurant was too nice for us) and said, "You all! You all need to be nice to the waitress. She's not your girlfriend, and she's not your sister, ok?" He had a really thick Italian-British accent, and nobody but me could understand him the first time. It was kind of awkward. Gotta go eat breakfast now, but more later.


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