

Long day today. Got up early-breakfast at 7:20. I had a tomato (good), scrambled eggs (good), sausage (weird), apples (tasted like grapefruit), tropical juice (good), and toast (a bit burnt.) After breakfast, I got a Lilt, which is like grapefruit/lime pop. It's pretty good, but I liked orange fanta better. So we got on the bus. 2 new tour guides today-Steve and Steve. Cool guys. More about them in a bit. It was maybe an hour or so to Stonehenge. I was at the back of the bus, 2nd to last row: Sarah Hayes, Michael and Colin behind me, Chase next to me, Drew and Spencer to my left, Neil and Madison ahead left, Christine in front of me. We all slept some, Michael sang some Karaoke and Drew drew (ha) a pile of poop on Colin's hand an a penis on his arm. Later Brian Baldwin told him it "resembled something it shouldn't" and he'd have to wash it off. So that was fun. We got to Stonehenge. We didn't pay to go in, but we were able to get almost as close as those who did. I stood on Neil's back and he stood on mine and we touched the exterior stones. Got some cool pictures, too. Then we all went across the road to a field with a lot of sheep. We chased them about a bit then played frisbee. I guess the grasses stung a bit, but I had jeans so I was fine. Got some good long tosses in, then went back to the bus to head on to Avebury. I, and most others, liked that a lot better. You could actually go up and touch the stones. They weren't as big and impressive as Stonehenge, but they were still cool. There was a big ravine that Neil and I played frisbee across. Great fun. Then we went to the Inn, the Red Lion, for lunch. Hang on...first we took "Across the Universe" style pictures of Emma, Liz, Christine, and Sarah. Then we went to lunch. I had the Ploughman's platter-ham, bread and butter, lettuce, some nasty brown sauce and a nasty pickled onion. The ham and bread were good. In retrospect, I should have made a sandwich. Oh well. Neil got a tasty looking Jacket potato with Aged Cheddar and bacon. It took a while to come out, and he almost at 2 others before his came. It was all good. When I went to the bar for water, the barman asked if I wanted ice and a slice (of lime). It was pretty cool. I'm gonna start saying that. Then we went back out and played frisbee some more, then we went back to the bus again. Then we drove to Bath-about 45 minutes. We got a bus tour of the city. Saw more stuff. Went out on another field with a good view of the city-more frisbee-and as we were standing there, Jill just ripped one real bad. It was nasty. Then we went down to the city centre. We stood around blocking the whole damn street for like half an hour, everybody was pissed, then we pretty much ran through bath. Drew went up to some random pretty lady sitting on the side and just started lounging-pretty funny. We left quickly. Green Machine and Wesley, Colin, and Spencer went out shopping. We just kind of walked around for a while, then went into the FCUK (French Connection UK) store. Drew went up to the lady working there and said, "Hey, I just want a shirt that looks like it says fuck." She was like, "Well, we have some of those..." He got this bright pink shirt that said FCUK in big letters. Funny shit. I saw a pretty cool looking shirt that had a sound wave and fcuk in small letters, but it was £20. Then we went to a sports shop and Wesley and COlin got frisbees. Everybody's going to sleep so I'll finish this tomorrow...Cheers.


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