

I was just thinking of a song I kinda wanted to hear, and itunes was on shuffle, and I skipped a song, and then the song came on. WOah.

I had a pretty good day. School was kinda lame, but I'm pretty much caught up with all my tests and stuff. After 4th period we went to go see Beowulf. It was a decent movie, but it strayed pretty far from the plot of the actual book. I also think it would have been better if the whole thing wasn't CGI. When I got home I did a little homework and then went to a practice for Saturn V. It was pretty amazing. We played some of the stuff we've not done for a while for about an hour and a half, and then we had a sweet jam...all I can say is COME TO HEY JUDE. There's a group/event thing for it on facebook. Find it. So yea, then I came home. And now I'm listenin to some Victor Wooten. Woot. En.



So for Early Brit Lit, we're going to see Beowulf on Thursday. The permission slip is due tomorrow. I left it at school. So I just went back to school to get it, and this nice janitor lady let me through to my locker (just don't tell Dr. Poole). She had to run all over to get keys and stuff, and then I open my locker, and my binders not in there. Which means its in my backpack. At my house. Where it's been the whole time.

I'm a dumbass.


My Thanksgiving Eve Day

Last night we left Des Moines around 5 and got in to Gurnee around 1. It usually takes 6 hours, but it took way longer this time because we had Gramma with us and we had to stop and eat at a real restaurant instead of getting just fast food. We went to Bennigans at Coral Ridge mall, which was pretty good. AFter me and Bobby finished eating dinner we went to Scheels to look at camo. At the campout with Scouts earlier this month, we were playing capture the flag and I realized that I am in desperate need of summat. I found tis pretty sweet camo suit kinda thing thats just like a big camo jacket with camo pants all in one. It was $70, so if anybody wants to get me a Scheels gift card for Christmas, i'll give you a hug. And let you play capture the flag with us next time. Anyway, I got like 4 hours of sleep. And I got 4 hours of sleep the night before. So I'm kinda pooped. Anyway, me and Dad got up early this morning and got on the train in Waukegan to go down to Depaul for a college visit. We the train to Evanston and the took the Purple line from Davis St. to Fullerton. The first thing on our itinerary was a general info session and campus tour. The info session was kinda helpful I guess, but most of it was just "Read our website, here's a bar graph about it." I think. I dont really remember. After that, we had a walking tour of the campus. We went around to the Cafes and the library and some other stuff. Its a really pretty campus in the middle of a big city, which is pretty cool. Clean buildings, beautiful cathedral, stuff like that. I could have done without the 40ยบ weather and the wind and rain and that, but I guess the college didn't really have any control over that. Anyway, we went to lunch at McDonalds. Barely. It was probably the most substandard Mcdonalds dining experience I've had. First, we ordered. That was fine. w/e. We got the food, and the fries were coldish. The chicken was ok i guess. They completely screwed up dad's drink order (brought him coke instead of coffee and water). Also, this was the first time I've been asked for money while I'm actually sitting down eating my food. it was pretty ridiculous. There were like 4 hobos in there, just chillin. Which was funny cuz there was a sign that said "No loitering. 30 minutes eating time max." Hehe...Umm...then the place started smelling a little weird. Then some people working there starting to hang out on the other side of the counter. Then smoke that smelled like burnt plastic starting coming out of the ceiling. Then we left. Then we went around the corner and saw like 6 other restaurants we could have gone to instead. We were kinda pissed. We were right by the music school, which was were our next tour was, and we had an hour to kill before the tour was supposed to start, so we went to Starbucks. It was realllly good. I read the onion and did the computer, and dad did the computer and read the onion. Then we went to the music school, which was pretty sweet. Probably my favorite so far. The other 2 guys were interested in sound recording technology and jazz piano, so that was pretty cool. The recital hall and the concert hall are really cool, all their technology is really up to date (they have powermacs in the computer lab), and it just looks like a really cool place. The guy who gave the tour was pretty helpful about stuff and everything. So yeah, we finished that, then we went back to the train and we're on the way back now. Tonight we're going to Majid's birthday party, which is going to be full of pizza and ice cream and other assorted yumminess. Which is just what we all need the day before Thanksgiving...