

So, I made all state. I thought I did pretty good. It's weird driving in places you don't know very well at 645 AM though. When I got home I changed and took Heather to machine shed for brunch. It was really good. Then we went to gelaterie stam and got some gelato. Then we went to the rose garden by the art center. When I took her home, I was about to leave and then she comes running outside, and she's like, my mom made you a cookie! And I'm like, that's sweet...and I go in to get it and it was freakin huge. Like 8 or 9"across. Rediculous, but delicious looking. I haven't had any of it yet...but I prolly will after I mow the lawn. And then Brad's comin over later to make cookies for spanish...wheee. And yea. So I'm pretty ok with life right now.


Blogger retta said...


Way to go Dan! That is awesome news. I am glad life is good. :)

8:46 PM  
Blogger Peggy said...

Congrats on All-State. You must be kinda good. ;-)

Is the cookie history now?

1:22 AM  
Blogger Dan said...

No, I've only finished half of it.

10:16 AM  

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