

I had a very excellent corned beef on rye sandwich from Manhattan Deli after taking the PSAT at Central. The Manhattan Deli is indeed a fine establishment, and it serves quite delicious sandwiches...almost as good as the ones in New York. My sandwich and a cookie was $4.93. I gave the lady a 5, and she gave me $7 back...I was thinkin about keeping it, cuz i'm getting kinda broke, but I decided not to be an asshole. So I gave her the 7 back and it took her a minute to figure out what had happened, but she figured it out. And gave me a dime and 2 pennies. So...i'm 5ยข richer than I should be, I guess. I read this line in this Chaucer that we're reading for early brit lit that goes something like..."He who accepts his poverty unhurt I'd say is rich although he lacked a shirt. But truly poor are they who whine and fret and covet what they cannot hope to get." Chaucer...pretty brilliant dude.

In other news, I made this just now.

There once was a fellow from Ipswich
Who wrote poems like a motherbitch.
They made your eyes bleed
'Cause the words that you see'd
Were unfunkingbelievably rich.

Yea. And now, seeing as how it's like 2:30 AM and I haven't started studying for chemistry yet, I'm gonna go.


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