
Are you an idiot?

I seriously just saw that on an ad, along with an animation of a guy bashing his head agains a wall. It was pretty funny.

Lets go canoeing.

A candy heart just asked me to marry it. It tasted minty. We're going to hawaii.

you should listen to a fistful of haggis by charlie hunter trio. i heard it last nite. it was pretty good. they are a good band. im trying to decide whether haggis sounds good or not. its like, sheeps liver, heart, and lungs ground up and boileded inside the stomach. sounds like it could be tasty, or just kinda...bland. w/e...mabye i'll find some in ireland.

you know what's hard to do? write a skit about the reproductive cycle of a club fungi. i just made a silent film. it was kinda shit.

you try doing better.


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