

NOTHING. Yep. Hello again. So yeah, Valleyfest was pretty cool a couple weekends ago, and this past weekend we went to waukee for state and ankeny for some other thing. they were both really important. we got a division I rating at state, and we got first place and best drumline at ankeny. so that was definitley very cool. i'll post pictures when....i feel like it.

aand...have I said anything about the new york trip yet? no. sooo...orchestra is going to new york next summer. like mid june-ish. aand...we're playing at carnagie hall. WHAT?? yep. we're playing at carnagie hall. so its definitley gonna b really sweet. i'll post details when....i feel like it. um...so yeah, i'm going, and heathers going, and thats about all that's important for now.

I need a job. I'M ABOUT $60000 in debt. my mom won't let me get one untl i finish my eagle project. i'm about done with the write up, so i just need to meet with some people and get it approve over winter break and stuff, then i'll start working on it next spring. and hopefully wrapped it up in time to get a job for the summer. i've kinda been thinking about what i wanna do. i think it would be really cool to work at a music store (either like a guitar store or a cd store). there's one at the mall caled FYE (for your entertainment) that i think would b pretty sweet. i've narrowed down what i want to do to architect, civil engineer, crane and tower operator, excavating and loading mahine operator, grader and dozer operator, jazz musician, rock musician, operating engineer, or restaurant cook. other possible jobs may include astronomer, blasters/explosives worker, electrician, electronic home entertainment equipment repairer, keyboard instrument repairer/tuner, landscape architect, stonemason, or tile and marble setter. yeah....that's what ill do...


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