
Aw, Shucks.

And I mean that in the best way possible. I had an incredible day. First of all, I had pancakes for breakfast. So, that was good enough. Did some homework for a while, that was kinda lame, but that was definitely the worst part of the day. After a decent lunch of peanut butter n' honey on bread, I picked Heather up and we went to the art center to see American Gothic, as well as all the other art. Parking was ridiculous, and I thought we were going to have to park all the way down by Greenwood Pond, but Heather had a hunch that we could eventually get a good spot if we just went up and drove around and around the lot. Sure enough, a truck was pulling out of a spot just as we got up there, so I snagged it. Good times. When we got inside, the line was huge, a guy I talked to later told me it was about an hour long to see American Gothic. So, we went in the other entrance to the art and had a look at some of the other art. I felt smarter than I was last time, because I was catching all these nuances and subliminal messages and stuff in the art. It was really cool. So eventually we got back around and just came at American Gothic from the other side. We didn't get to go right up to it and have a good hard look, but we'd both seen it before, and we figured with all the other Grant Wood art we saw, it was pretty close to good enough. Like I said, some really great, interesting stuff in there. Too bad it's gone after tomorrow. I guess that just means there will be new stuff though, which is cool.
So after the art center, I took Heather back home and headed over to Jason's for a bit of a rehearsal before the gig. We worked out a bunch of music and stuff. It was pretty exhausting, but a good time, as usual, was had by all. After that, we put on some music, namely the Dry Cleaner from Des Moines by Joni Mitchell, which we hope to do at some point later on. While it was at a really awesome part, my dad called and told me that the mail came and I've been accepted at DePaul.

I've been accepted at DePaul.

YEEAAHHH!! And they're giving me a boatload of money. So that's excellent. Definitely the high point of the day. Ummmm after we'd stuffed everything into our cars, we headed down to Java Joes. I got a parking spot directly in front of it. It was nuts. We set up, got everything ready, it was great. I don't even know what to say about the show. I'll have to have a separate post on that. Anyway, afterwards I found out that Heather had gotten a guitar, so that'll be sweet. Also, Rob won a Wii at the spring carnival thing at his school, so that's going to be lots of fun too. Not that I'm going to have time to play it ever, haha...So yeah, we got everything packed up and headed our separate ways. I stopped at home to drop off my bass, then Travis and I met at Arby's for some more food. Good time. Real tasty. Then I went home and sliced up and edited the recording from the show, which I reckon I could burn for ya if you want a copy, so let me know. Just finished that now, pretty pleased with it. Anyway, I think I'm going to hit the sack. I'll write about the show some other time. Night, thanks everybody. :-)


May I suggest that you listen to Chris Thile's "Deceiver" album?

Seems about right this time of the day. And of the week. This time of the month. And of the year. Seems about right this year.